Saturday, May 23, 2009

New Ideas

Ok, so now that the finale is over and I've had a chance to talk to quite a few people about it, here are some new thoughts about what we have in store for the final season and what it all means:

- I think the guy I will referr to as the anti-Jacob (the guy who was w/ Jacob at the beginning of the episode who ends up killing Jacob) is in fact the black smoke somehow, or at least related to it. This explains how anti-Jacob can become Locke: he's able to take the form of anyone who's dead and on the island. For example: Yemmi (Echo's brother), Christian Shepherd (Jack's dad), and, of course, Locke. I also think he can take their form off the island viz. Charlie and Anna-Lucia appearing to Hurley. Which leads me to my next thought...

- I think we will see an episode, possible the season premiere, where we see anti-Jacob do all the same things that Jacob did in trying to influence our heoroes off the island. Just like we saw Jacob interract w/ Kate, Sawyer, and Hurley, I think we'll see the anti-Jacob interract w/ our firends off the island and help orchestrate their coming (and in some cases coming back) to the island.

- Ok, now about time travel. I've maintained that I think the bomb did NOT change the timeline and that, in fact, Faraday was right the first time when he said you can't change the past "what's happened, happened." Well, I just saw Star Trek (which was AMAZING, btw) and am now beginning to doubt that a bit. Here's why: the movie delt w/ time travel and how it changed the future. Star Trek was directed by JJ Abrams, the creator of LOST, as well as Damon Lindelof who produced Star Trek and, you guessed it, LOST. Because they both worked on Start Trek and LOST, it makes me second guess my hypothesis that they can't change the past/future (depending on your perspective). Still, I think one big reason Abrams had the change the future approach in Star Trek was so he could make more ST movies w/o having to follow the original storyline/arch. We'll see...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Episode 516 - The Incident

- Ok, so we start w/ more Egyptian stuff...somehow that seems to be connected to the island, both with the underground stuff around the H bomb and the mysterious statue

- The ship in the background...the Black Rock?!

- Ok, so Jacob is a real person, at least at some point in time.  The question is: is Jacob still alive at the time when Locke is going to kill him.  Oh, and, who is the other guy who was talking to Jacob who wants to kill him?

- Ok, so there's a whole new spin on things w/ Jacob that I've never considered.  I have NO idea what it means that Jacob was off the Island and helping Kate

- Hmm, hearing that Eloise is pregnant (w/ Faraday, I'm sure) makes me wonder...did the accident at the swan station, or maybe something related to the H bomb, cause the issue where people couldn't have kids on the Island.

- I wonder if Locke is just telling each person what he things they need to hear and none of it is actually what he plans or why he wants to see Jacob

- Hey now, I want to know what's in that box!  I also want to know how these people are associated w/ the others.  They asked the question related to the statue, if I remember correctly, and therefore are part of the others/hostiles/whatever group that follows Jacob.

- Ok, so now we see that Jacob visited Sawyer Jacob specifically picked everyone who arrived on the Island it seems.

- Seriously?  Its only 9:30?  There's alread been soooo much in this episode and we're only a quarter of of the way thru it!

- Can I just say, the way they are carying the box is just like the Ark of the Covenant.  Just saying...

- Why does Jacob have to touch each of the people we're seeing him interact w/ our main characters in the past...

- Did Kate & Juliet talk while Jack & Sawyer were fighting and somehow that conversation led Juliet to change her mind?

- So Jacob was a part of getting the Oceanic 6 back to the Island as well...

- Nice, climb into the METAL vehicle to try to get away from the giant magnet!  Soooo smart!

- Wow, talk about an emotional roller coaster!  Juliet appears to be gone, which is sad both for Juliet and also for Sawyer: he finally has gotten over his issues to be able to love someone else and she "leaves" him.  Heart wrenching!

- What lies in the shadow of the statue? Something in spanish or italian, maybe?  Sounded like liquid something?

- Is the person we thought was Locke actually widmore?  Or maybe the other guy from the beginning of the episode who said he wanted to kill Jacob.

- SUUUUUUUUUUUUKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!   I knew I'd hate the end of the season, but cummon!  I'm mean really?!?!?!?!?  What's the deal w/ this other guy who apparently kille Jacob?  Who is he and what's the loophole he found?  Did blowing up the bomb actually prevent all the events that happend, or was it the cause of everything in the first place?

And, ok, what's w/ the WHITE?  For the first time since the series began, the LOST logo was on a white background!  I mean its cool, but why? They ALWAYS do stuff for a reason.

Ok, a few closing thoughts on the season.  First, it wasn't as good as season 4, in my opinion.  Granted, it was still a great season, but 4 is still my favorite.  We've learned quite a bit that we didn't know before and have a much more complete picture of what's going on.  However, in the last 2 hours of the show we've gotten several very new questions that I don't even know what to think about or how to address some of the new ideas/concepts/events that have occured during this episode, especially surrounding Jacob and the other guy he was with.

One final thought:  While I am, of course, frustrated that I have to wait unitl nearly next February before seeing anything new realted to LOST, I still love the show and, though it drives me crazy, do enjoy thinking about all the posibilities and tyring to figure out what's going on, what's going to happen, and how its all connected.  I love this show!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Episode 515 - Follow the Leader

Ok, I missed the beginning of this episode, but I think I got most of it.

- I really don't think that the group is going to be able to change what happened so that the plane doesn't crash.  And I'll say that I really hope they can't, or at least that that's not the ending, 'caus that'd be totally lame!

- Once again, I love that Locke is in charge and knows what's going on while Ben doesn't.  :)

- Ok, I'm still frustrated about Richard.  Somehow he's a really important figure on the island, but he really doesn't know what's going on any more than Ben does.  How can that be?

- WHAT?!  Kate got shot?!  Would they kill Kate?  I hope not, but I woudn't put it past the LOST people...then again, the island has healing powers, so maybe she won't die.  I really hope she doesn't.

- Ok, she didn't get shot.  I feel better now.

- Ah, new hypothesis.  They are on the island now, they ARE going to blow up the bomb and that's why Desmond gets in the hazmat suit when he goes outside and has to be protected all the time.  It's all already happened and it can't be changed...unless maybe Desmond gets involved somehow.  That's the only way I can see anything changing.  

- "The Tunnels" look just like the inside of the Temple...I wonder if they are 'indigenous' to the island

- And what's the deal w/ Sayid?  Where has he been?  I can't remember the last time we saw him.  He shot Ben, was that the last time?  Then he disappeared?  Must have been (enjoy that stream of consciousness?)

- Of course, they have to put Kate & Juliet together w/ Sawyer, don't they.  "Good Television" or something like that.  Oh yeah, its called "conflict"!

- Jack, you're dumb.  In 30 years Eloise does tell you how to get back to the island, but she does it so that you can tell her about the bomb so that she can blow up the Dharma Initiative!

- Does Locke really intend to kill Jacob?  If so, why?  And how on earth does he plan to do that?

- So what's happened to young Ben?  Is he still with the others?  I think that's the last place we saw him, but that was several weeks ago and I dont remember him getting back w/ the Dharma folks...

...and that doesn't work w/ continuity, since Ben's supposed to be the one who wipes out the Dharma Initiative and not for many many years, so maybe I was wrong about the H-Bomb going off...

  Oh my goodness, next week is the season finale!  That's crazy!  I'm excited and afraid of what the ending/cliff hanger is going to be.  I'm sure what ever it is will make me crazy and give me lots of stuff to wonder over the summer.  Let's see, what have they done in the past?

Season 1 - Opening up the Hatch
Season 2 - Hatch blowing up, the sky turning purple, and Jack, Kate, Hurley, and Sawyer being captured by the others
Season 3 - An actual boat arrives to take them off the island
Season 4 - The island disappears!
Season 5 - ???  We'll find out next week!


Thursday, April 30, 2009

Episode 514 - The Variable

I missed this episode live and had to watch it via my comptuer this evening, so my comments aren't quite as stream-of-conciousness as normal, but here you go anyway...

- Why on Earth would Faraday tell Marvin Candel that Miles is his son? He has to know that Candel won't believe him and think he's crazy. And what about the whole "you can't change the future" thing? I know he mentions that they are the variables, but the problem is that they are surrounded by constants, so I'm not convinced they could change anything from the past

- Dan's notebook seems to have writings of what's going to happen. He consulted it several times and then somehow knows where people are or where they are going

- Ok, I get what Dan's trying to do, but if he stops the plane from crashing, then none of them were there on the island, so they didn't go back in time to stop the plane from crashing...which is your typical time-travel paradox issue. It just can't happen.

- I've never really been a fan of Eloise Hawking, but now I really don't like her. She sent Dan back to the island knowing full well that she'd kill him! I understand the whole 'destiny' thing, but even Faraday trys to change that, you'd think a mother of all people would at least TRY!

- I'm really curious to see if we get to find out what happens when the EM energy explodes under the Swan station and we get to see the aftermath! It may blow our heroes back to the 'present' but I'm really hoping we get to find out what it caused!

Ok, those are my meager thoughts this week. Still enjoying the show, though sadly now the end of the season is in sight!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Episode 513 - Some Like it Hoth

-I don't know know how I feel about an episode that focuses on Miles.  He's not a real lost-y in my mind.  

-His dad's body is somewhere he can never it maybe the island?

- Hmm, that does bring up an interesting question: why DID Widmore want someone who can speak to dead people?  Was there someone in particular that Widmore wanted him to talk to?

- WHAT?!  Marvin Candle whatever his name is if Mile's dad?!  I was at least right that he was on the island.

- Since they are taking the dead body to the Marvin Candle guy, I wonder if they are going to run an experiment to see if they can bring him back to life.  That might help explain the Locke thing ever so least that the island has that ability

- I wonder why Widmore thought they could find Ben using dead people.

- I love Hurley and his attempt to bring people together and reconcile.  :)

- I wonder what DOES lie in the shadow of the statue

- LOST & Star Wars!!!  My life is complete!

- I must say, as a Jack fan, I really like the way he just tells Sawyer what's happened and let's him deal with it, especially after Sawyer made such a big deal about how he's in charge and he thinks first and basically better than Jack.  Well, clearly he's not.  :)

- You know, this is more in the old-school LOST style, where we focus on one character and get flashbacks that gives you insight to the current character's plight.

- And I TOTALLY disagree w/ Hurley that the Ewoks suck.  Ewoks are cool!

- Ha!  Faraday is now back!  Looks like his 'disapearing' was actually working for the Dharma Initiative doing science work.  I' m interesting in finding out what he's been doing and all the stuff he can now contribute to helping decode what's happened/happening w/ the island.

One final comment, not directly related to the show: next week is a "sepecial event" which makes me think its not an actual episode, which kinda' annoys me.  The whole deal w/ the show being only half a season is that they'd play the episodes back to back w/o interruptions or reruns.  They've already done one rerun this seasons, now potentially another one?  Not cool.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Episode 512 - Dead is Dead

- Boo, why did the island want to save Ben?

- So, now we see when Widmore first meets Ben.

- Ben's lying.  I don't think he really wanted to go back to the island because he broke the rules and to be judged.  I do think he was headed back to the temple and maybe even the monstor.  Ben is the king of half-truths and I don't think this is any exception.

- I HATE Ben.  I HATE the way he manipulates...and gets away with it.

- YES!  Way to call his bluff Locke!  I'm really enjoying this episode so far.  :)

- In an interesting twist, we actually see Ben showing compassion to Alex, Rouseau's daughter, and to Rouseau herself, actually.  I'm not really sure why he shows that compassion as I wouldn't peg him as a compassionate person.  The flipside that's interesting is that we see Widmore and he's not so compassionate.  We get to see a bit of the rivalry between the two men.

- So it appears that Ben knows who Christian Shepherd is.  Is that because he's encountered him before, or because he was a part of getting him onto the island in the first place, either in reality or in the form that he's currently in?

- I LOVE that Locke is in control and Ben isn't!  It feels sooo good for Ben to be on the defensive and not knowing/understanding what's going on.

- Way to go Desmond.  Yet, I'm still a bit confused as to why Ben hessitated.  Why does he have compassion on children?  Is it because he remembers his horrible childhood, perhaps?  Its the one thing that I can't really understand about Ben.  He's so purely evil with everything except for children, apparently.  Don't get me wrong, I'm glad he is, but it just surprises me.

- Hmmm, the whole smoke monster thing has been really interesting.  First, the fact that it is just smoke blows my idea that its mechanical out of the water (unless there are 2 parts to it and we only saw one part tonight).  Second, it let Ben live, which is somewhat surprising on one hand, but not from a storytelling standpoint.  Third, when we saw Alex alive again, I'm pretty sure its not Alex, but actually the smoke monster, just like Yemmi was for Echo.  Fourth, Ben's supposed to follow Locke and not kill him like he planned (which doesn't surprise me that he was planning on re-killing Locke), but I'm not sure if Ben will actually follow Locke or not.  Only time will tell

This was a really good episode, I thought!  We got more answers/additional information, but with it came many different ideas and things to think through and process.

Have I ever mentioned that I love this show?!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Episode 510 - Whatever Happened Happened

I just watched the episode today since I was in France when it aired originally. These are my thoughts about seeing it, though keep in mind that I'm pushing myself to stay awake, so if it doesn't make sense, blame it on jet lag.

- So Sawyer wanted Kate to deal w/ helping Cassidy/Clementine, huh? Interesting that that's what the whole big deal was about. Why couldn't Kate tell Jack?

- Wow, the weird loop of Ben needing Jack to save his live again (or for the first time, depending on how you look at it: Hurley), yet this time he doesn't do it, and it looks like that's what leads to Ben being the way he is, at least in part (I still believe you are responsible for your actions, even if the situation pushed you in one direction over another).

- Go Hurley! I love the connection w/ time travel and Back to the Future!

- Everthing seems to be pointing towards Faraday's assessment of time travel: you can't change what's already been done, you can only discover how it came to be. This seems to be proving true w/ Ben as well.

- The conversation between Hurley and Miles where they talk about Ben not remembering Sayid shooting him could be resolved in 2 ways. 1) Richard said Ben wouldn't remember any of it and it could go back as far as being shot. 2) Ben could remember, yet not tell Sayid that he remembers, but that could influence why Ben is convinced that Sayid is a killer by nature.

- Is Kate being 100% truthful when she says she went back to the island to find Claire? I guess I doubt that that's her only motivation, though it could be the deciding factor, if you understand the difference.

Ok, I've got to clear off some stuff from my bed and then I think I'm heading that direction...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Episode 510 - He's Our You

Oooo, I wonder if we're going to get more insight to Ben as a kid.  He already seems sneaky and keniving (I didn't even come close to spelling that right)

- "The next level" is about the vaguest, lamest threat possible.

- Hmmm, so they're playing the "feel sorry for Ben" card again.  It's going to take ALOT to get me to buy into that w/ all he's done

- Like I said, I can't really feel bad for him: Ben lies to Syid about how Locke died, and even uses his murder to manipulate Syid into working for him again.  Such pure evil manipulation.  It makes me soooo mad!

- The drink Syid is drinking is the "McGutchen" or whatever is the same type of drink that Widmore told Desmond that he'd never be worthy of drinking

- This gal sitting next to Syid, I think she's the one who was sitting next to him on the plane headed back to the island...I think

- Ok, so the Juliet/Kate thing...I have a feeling Kate is going to find a way to get back together w/ Sawyer.  I say that only because everything is off and on

- See?  I told you Ben is still evil.  He's responsible for starting the fire and risking killing/injuring innocent people!  But what's the deal w/ Syid thinking his purpose is to take Ben to the "hostiles?"  Or is his intention to try to kill Ben, I wonder?

- Alright, so now the realy question is: is Ben actually dead?  If Faraday is right, then Ben is going to live thru this somehow (healing power of the Island?).  But if Faraday is wrong, Ben could actually be dead, which would be an interesting turn of events, and I'll be interested to see what results from that.

I would say that this was a thought-provoking episode, but not really many answers, not really any new amazing questions either.  Good episode, though.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Episode 509 - Namaste

- Oh my goodness!  Sun didn't make it back in time w/ the others?!

- And may I say again, IHATE Ben Linus!  "How would I know?"  That's just stupid.  Of course he knows, or at least has an idea.  But what I wonder is if this was something that he expected or not.

- Ah, and I LOVE Hurley.  "Uh, what?"  : )

- I'm not really finding many things to write about, but part of that is because I'm really enjoying seeing some pieces come together, like the Jin Syid encounter.  I gotta be honnest, I also feel kinda' bad for Juliet.  I know the "popular" thing is for Sawyer to get together w/ Kate again, but that's not really what I think I want.  Especially since Sawyer & Juliet have been together for 3 years, I kinda' think that that's what needs to continue.

- Wait, Faraday's not there "anymore?"  What happened, I wonder?  I know we saw him from the beginning of the season w/ the Marvin Candle guy, so this must be after that?

- Ha, go Sun!  Ben deserves every blow he gets, especially the ones to the head!

-Piere Chang, humm, I wonder if that's his real name.  He's had like 3 or 4 so far in all the different orientation videos.

- Did you notice that before Christian showed up that there were the whispers?  I still maintain that the whispers are a part of some sort of transportation/teleportation device.  Because it was Christian, maybe they aren't actually living breathing people that move, but then again, Locke was dead and is alive again, so maybe it is.  The point is that the events around the whispers still fit into my hypothesis.

- No!!  I totally didn't realize that we were at the end of the episode!  I knew that the kid was Ben, but I didn't figure that that's how they'd end the episode!  I guess the real question now is whether Faraday was right that they can't change the past.  If they can't, then Ben's going to be ok, and in fact, the losties being back in time might contribute somehow to him being the way he is later.  However, if they CAN change the past, then all bets are off and they could really do anything.

Yup, I still love this show!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Episode 508 - LaFleur

Ok, so I missed this episode last night and had to watch it on my computer today, so I wasn't typing as I was watching. These are the thoughts I have now looking back on the episode.

- I'm intrigued that the statue of the 4 toe-ed whatever is standing currently. I wonder what its a statue of and why its there.

- Is the baby that Amy has going to be an important character, or is that not the important part?

- Ok, so Horace. I remember that we've seen him before. Was he the guy that Ben's dad originally talked to to get to the island? We've also seen him as his "dead self", I think as he appeared to Locke. The only other person I can think of that he could have appeared to was Hurley, but I'm pretty sure it was Locke, though I can't remember why or what exactly their interraction was. I'm thinking...season 3?

- Sawyer has gone thru such a transformation from the beginning of the series! He takes charge of the group and instead of lying to Richard, ends up telling him the truth. He knows he has the upper hand as he knows more than Richard does, but I still find it interesting that he tells the truth.

- What about Sawyer and Juliet! I wouldn't have predicted that before this episode. I did see it coming in this episode. I'm sure there are many a Sawyer fan that are not too happy right now!

- Ok, so what happened, what changed so that the babies started dying on the island? When did the problem arrise? Could it be a byproduct of the gas, whatever it was, that Ben released to help kill the Dharma initiative folks? I have a feeling its something that Ben caused, which would explain why he wanted Juliet to fix the problem so badly.

- Of course, the dramatic ending with Sawyer seeing Kate for the 1st time in 3 years, and not telling Juliet that Jack's crew came back to the island. Sparks and tension will be soon coming, I'm sure!

- Ok, and what's w/ the 3 years thing? Even though Sawyer's group has been traveling thru time and Jack & his crew were in the future, they both aged 3 years from when Jack & Co. left the island. Interesting how the Island keeps their time continuity in that way, even though they are in 1977.

All in all a good episode. I wasn't into it as much as some of the previous ones, but it was good to fill in some gaps and to give us an idea where we're going and the issues that will need to be tackled next!

Side Note: I'm now beginning to try to figure out what the last season will be about. I'm wondering if it will be "the war" between Ben & Widmore that seemed to be hinted at earlier this season...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Episode 507 - The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham

  Ok, I missed the first few minutes, but I'll pick up where I came in...

- So Widmore found Locke when he arrives back, huh?  Interesting that he remembers Locke from when he came into their camp.

-  Interesting that both Widmore and Ben want Locke to bring everyone back to the island.  They are not on the same side, so they must both have different motives.  If I have to side w/ someone, I'd have to pick Widmore, but that's only because I know for sure how evil Ben is; I don't yet know how evil Widmore is.  :)

- Oooo, Locke has to be in a wheelchair again.  That's got to be really hard for him!

- Sayid's comment cuts to the core of Locke: having no one to come back to off the island.

- I feel lame about this, but didn't actually remember that the Matthew character (the guy from Fringe) was the one who told Locke to go on his walkabout.  I did remember that he was in the hospital and that he worked for Widmore, but not that crucial piece.  So glad this series is written so well!

- When Kate says "Look how far you've come," I'm not sure if she was being serious or sarcastic...sacasm makes the most sense, but her tone wasn't very sarcastic, at leas I didn't think.

- Ok, so I guess I picked the right side.  Ben, yet again, shows how incredibly evil he his.  For some reason he doesn't want Eloise to see Locke (or to have Locke see Eloise), so he kills him!  Right after he talking him out of killing himself.  That means that's an important bit of info, since it changes Ben's plan

-  I have to say, its not often I'm super confused, but the ending of this episode has definitely confused me.  So Locke's alive (which we knew from last week's trailer), and apparently everyone else from the plane also made it to the island, but now there's this other guy reading Dharma files...and I think I missed who is is from the beginning?  So Locke is alive again, but probably not in the same time that Jack & Co. are now in (70s, I think), but Ben (aka Mr. Evil) is there and injured and Locke remember's that he killed him

  Interesting things are afoot!  

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Episode 506 - 316

Oh my gosh I'm so excited!  I just watched episod 505 (last week's) in the enhansed version since there's no youth group tonight, so I'm super stoked for this week's episode!!!

- Oh, we're back to the very beginning of the whole show!  The first shot w/ Jack on the Island...except we're not.  Jack didn't go find Hurley drowning elsewhere on the island, he went to be beach.  Is this a dream?  An alternate reality?  Oh gosh!  No!  They actually made it back to the island!  Kate & Hurley are there, so I'm going to assume that they all are back, and now we have to find out how they all agreed to go back...

- Oooo, DHARMA symbol on the door Eloise opened under the church that leads to the pendulum chamber

- Called The Lamppost.  Interesting.  So we're still entangeled in the DHARMA Initiative.  I'm sooo loving this!!

- I wonder why they have to be on that one flight, not any others.  

- Ok, so how does Eloise know all this stuff?  My guess: "the man" she talked about who figured out how to get to the island was probably Dan, her son.  Although, I don't know how that works w/ his age and stuff, but since time isn't constant, that's less of a worry.  : )  It could also be Widmore, the "Marvin Candle" character, or someone else we don't know yet

- In a more intellectual level, I'm feeling like the end of Season 4 was the climax of the whole show, as now everything is a result of them leaving the island.  Could be wrong, but I could see that being the case

- How ironic that we see Ben in the position to make it look like he's praying.  He's the last character on the whole show that I'd expect to see genuinely praying

- Ok, so what happened to Aaron?  I thought Ben was the one who sent the laywer after him and therefore the laywer should have backed off.  Then again, maybe Ben still took Aaron, either to make sure Kate went back, or to keep him for himself, kinda' like w/ Alex

- So I wonder if Ben is "supposed" to go back or not.  I'm sure he's going to try, but I'm not sure that he should be included in the group that needs to go back to recreate the original situation (since he wasn't on the original flight).

- BTW: the airline they are supposed to be on to get back to the island is one that was mentioned in a previous episode this season when someone saw an artifact from that airline.  My guess is that, in all the time travel, at some point they group left on the island moved forward to after Jack & crew arrived back on the island again

- I do wonder, however, now that Locke has fixed the wheel that was causeing the time-skipping, what time did the island end up staying at?  IE when are all the people left on the island?

- Oh come one Jack, you gotta read the letter!! I want to know what it says!  I'll be that's the scrap of paper Jack had in his hand when he arrived back on the island at the beginning of the episode

- So, here's my hope: the plane doesn't actually crash, but rather the island magically gets all the right people from the plane onto the island, and that means Ben gets left on the plane w/ the other passengers he doesn't care about.  That would pretty much make my day!

- I really thought this whole season would just be about how they got back to the island.  Since they are back now, I guess I'm wrong

- Well, I guess I got the answer to my question about when the islanders are.  They are back w/ the DHARMA Initiative (I should have guessed that since we already saw Dan back in that time way back at the beginning of the season)

Have I ever mentioned that I love this show?!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Episode 505 - This Place is Death

-I want to know more about this smoke monster!  I can't believe people actually went down that hole after it!

-So, the smoke monster is in fact a security system, and its guarding the temple specifically.  I wonder if that's the same temple that Ben told the Others to go to at the end season 3 as they were preparing for the boat people to come...

-What's the deal w/ Charlotte speaking Korean?  That seems a bit too convienient for the plot problem of no one knowing how to fully communicate w/ Jin

-...althought it is incredibly funny that she also speaks Klingon.  : )

-Wow, Ben doesn't get angry very often.  I think this is only the 2nd time we've seen him genuinly angry.  That means he's either telling the truth about helping them, or he's an even amazingly good liar, even more amazingly good at it than I thought.  Then again, he might be angry not because of what he did to help them, but rather because they are keeping him from doing what he secretly is trying to accomplish

-This season definitly does have the feeling that we're getting more answers than new questions and that we're heading for some closure.  At least that's the feeling I'm getting overall, especially in this episode (probably w/ the revelation of Charlotte having grown up on the island and meeting Dan in the past!)

-Ok, so if Charlotte died on the island, does that mean she'll appear to someone else at some point like everyone else who's died on the island?  Or maybe...some other really good idea that I can't remember anymore

-Eloise Hawking...she must be the lady from Desmond's vision thing that was under the church.  But now, I'm wondering, why did Ben make sure HE was the one to move the island instead of Locke, who was supposed to move it (news to me, that's for sure)

- So, is the wheel that's "off its axis" the reason that everyone who's left on the island is skipping thru time, I wonder...

OH MY GOSH!!! They're just going to leave us hanging like that?!  
-Desmond knows the lady, Eloise, from his vision, but he hasn't said anything yet.  
-She's letting them go back w/o the rest of those who left, apparently, she seems to know more about this whole thing than even Ben does, and seems to be in charge of Ben, which is saying alot
-She's Dan's mother, which is crazy (though I think I guesed that as a posibility already) because its yet another way everyone's interconnected

Wow, even though this episode wasn't quite as exciting during the main portion of it, the last 5 minutes were amazingly great!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Episode 504 - The Little Prince

Ok, so I missed the first half, so I'll update those after I watch those tomorrow...

- So, those other guys w/ the boats that Locke & crew took, I wonder who they are. I'm gathering that we're now in the future. I would venture a guess that it's people somehow connected to Widmore, just 'cause he wants to get back. I am intrigued by the name of the Indian airline water bottle thing, though. Did another plane crash? Did they drop out of the sky? How did they find the island since it moved/is moving?

- Claire's mom is the one who's trying to get Aaron! How does she know its her granddaughter, I wonder? I would venture a guess that either Ben or Widmore is involved in her knowing somehow...

- Hmmm, so Claire's mom doesn't actually know, and the laywer is actually working for Ben. I knew it was conneted to Ben/Widmore somehow...

- Wait a minute...that was Jin. Is he still alive, or are we in the past somewhere? I originally thought that this was the french mission that Ruseau was on (and it may still be), but if that's the case, is this Jin in the past somehow, or is it Jin from the boat that blew up, but he didn't actually die, and he's moving thru time w/ the rest of everyone and that's how he got there?

- Ha! I was right, it is Ruseau!!

Now I need to go watch the first half that I missed and update w/ any other pieces of interest. Oh, and I have to go to work in the morning too.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Episode 503 - Jughead

Alright, so this week I'm actually set up. I'm on my laptop watching TV, so you're getting the play by play as I think of it, not just after the show's over. Here you go!

- Oooo, they are back in time w/ the young "others". I think that's really cool! Of course Richard is still the same age by whatever weird way that works which we still don't know. But I'm assuming that this is old enough that Ben isn't around yet, though we don't know yet. Locke seems to know when it is based on the gun, but got cut off. Hmmm...

- Interesting that Juliet knows that Richard will be there, even though its in the past.

- Locke thinks the others are "his people," huh? Wow, he's taking on the whole leadership role thing pretty seriously, even though its in the past.

- It's pretty convienient that the flashes/time shifts are not happening as quickly now, now that they need to spend more time with these people and gain more info. : )

- Anyone else notice the painting on the wall of Widmore's office? A polar bear. : )

- You gotta' love Sawyer's line "Aw, you told her?!" : )

- Oh my gosh!!! Charles Widmore was on the island in the 50s!! He WAS there way before Ben. So the question now is: is he a good guy? Does he actually have more right to be on the island than Ben? I would guess that they are both bad. Maybe they met when Ben met Richard and agreed to help the others take down the Dharma initiative. If that's the case, there's much more to their back story than we'll find out quickly.

- Oh, Desmond & Penny named their son Charlie. That's really cool. I also admire his committment to Penny, willing to give everything up for her, and Penny's understanding and willing to support him in his weird endevor.

- Hmm, I wonder what's gong on w/ Charlotte. Her blood thing came right after they "flashed" through time again. Obviously its tide to that somehow, but why her and not any of the rest of them I'm still baffled.

- I wonder if Daniel's mother is the creepy lady from Desmond's time experience and the one Ben consulted w/ the giant pendulum. Not sure, but I think it might be the case. It'd make sense, I guess. I could also be totally off base.

To sum it all up, I'm really enjoying this season. I'm not quite as jazzed as season 4, but it's still great and I'm enjoying the time travel aspects quite alot. Can't wait for next week!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Episode 502 - The Lie

I realized one of the reasons I'm not quite as long winded this season: I'm not taking notes while I watch. Yes, I realize that sounds silly, but I did take notes while watching last year. This year, at least this week, I just don't have the energy for it.

So now, here are my meager thoughts:

- I'll start w/ the end. So the lady in the church is the lady from Desmond's time travel experience way back when. At that time I didn't think she was real...well she is! She seamed pretty ominous too. And down in her lair she had a pendulum going and the marks it was making looked like what happens as the earth spins on its axis.

- As much as I know the way the writers on LOST work, I still don't trust Ben. Not that I think Widmore is better, but as Ben was trying to convince Hurley to go with him, I couldn't help but be glad for Hurley's choice...except for that's exactly what Anna-Lucia told him not to do

- Which, btw, is kinda' freaky. What's with the dead people. Are they maybe not really dead? That's what seems to be implied about Locke. And Anna-Lucia says that Libby says hi. Does this mean that there's hope for Hurley to get together w/ Libby sometime in the future of LOST? That'd be cool.

- As a side note, the whole thing w/ Hurley being able to see dead people and they tell him things he needs to do, but no one else really sees what's going on reminds me of a friend of mine, Carl. I know that sounds weird, but he knows what I mean. : )

- Sawyer and his shirt. I don't remember if this came to me in this episode or the previous one, but I think him not having his shirt and wanting one so desparately symbolizes his vulnerability and his desire to be able to put up some of his defences again. I think this came to me when Sawyer had Dan gripped and was talking about how everyone he cared about was on the boat/chopper.

That's all I can think about for now. Perhaps I'll post more as I think about more. Hope you enjoy.

Episode 501 - Because You Left

Sorry for the delay in posting, I had something more important than LOST come up last night.

I don't have a ton of thoughts from the 1st episode of season 5, but here's what I do think:

-I'm still really enjoying LOST! Truthfuly I've been a bit afraid that season 5 won't live up to all that season 4 was. While there's still much left before I'll know for sure, this first episode gives me a good feeling.

- I love that they're still doing time travel stuff, and actually more intense now! It seems that they're taking a deterministic approach (which they hinted to previously w/ Desmond), which I do find a bit more interesting story-wise than the Back to the Future model where you can change the future. I'm interested to see how it all ends up, though.

- So my current hypothesis relates to the very beginning of the episode w/ the Candle/Hanso guy. When he was talking about all the energy stored behind that wall and that if it was released it would cause issues or whatever; maybe that's why Alex was able to be killed and Widmore was able to break "the rules;" because perhaps when the hatch blew up it released that energy. On the other hand, it could also be what Ben did that released that energy and that's why Dan is all concerned that they need help.

- Last thought: can I just say that Hurley isn't very bright in this episode? I mean, why pick up the gun in the first place, and then to hold it and look over the side at the dead guy? Really, common, that's silly even for Hurley.

Those are my thoughts for now, I'm going to try to get the other one watched tonight before bed, if I can stay up that long.