Thursday, March 5, 2009

Episode 508 - LaFleur

Ok, so I missed this episode last night and had to watch it on my computer today, so I wasn't typing as I was watching. These are the thoughts I have now looking back on the episode.

- I'm intrigued that the statue of the 4 toe-ed whatever is standing currently. I wonder what its a statue of and why its there.

- Is the baby that Amy has going to be an important character, or is that not the important part?

- Ok, so Horace. I remember that we've seen him before. Was he the guy that Ben's dad originally talked to to get to the island? We've also seen him as his "dead self", I think as he appeared to Locke. The only other person I can think of that he could have appeared to was Hurley, but I'm pretty sure it was Locke, though I can't remember why or what exactly their interraction was. I'm thinking...season 3?

- Sawyer has gone thru such a transformation from the beginning of the series! He takes charge of the group and instead of lying to Richard, ends up telling him the truth. He knows he has the upper hand as he knows more than Richard does, but I still find it interesting that he tells the truth.

- What about Sawyer and Juliet! I wouldn't have predicted that before this episode. I did see it coming in this episode. I'm sure there are many a Sawyer fan that are not too happy right now!

- Ok, so what happened, what changed so that the babies started dying on the island? When did the problem arrise? Could it be a byproduct of the gas, whatever it was, that Ben released to help kill the Dharma initiative folks? I have a feeling its something that Ben caused, which would explain why he wanted Juliet to fix the problem so badly.

- Of course, the dramatic ending with Sawyer seeing Kate for the 1st time in 3 years, and not telling Juliet that Jack's crew came back to the island. Sparks and tension will be soon coming, I'm sure!

- Ok, and what's w/ the 3 years thing? Even though Sawyer's group has been traveling thru time and Jack & his crew were in the future, they both aged 3 years from when Jack & Co. left the island. Interesting how the Island keeps their time continuity in that way, even though they are in 1977.

All in all a good episode. I wasn't into it as much as some of the previous ones, but it was good to fill in some gaps and to give us an idea where we're going and the issues that will need to be tackled next!

Side Note: I'm now beginning to try to figure out what the last season will be about. I'm wondering if it will be "the war" between Ben & Widmore that seemed to be hinted at earlier this season...

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