Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Episode 510 - He's Our You

Oooo, I wonder if we're going to get more insight to Ben as a kid.  He already seems sneaky and keniving (I didn't even come close to spelling that right)

- "The next level" is about the vaguest, lamest threat possible.

- Hmmm, so they're playing the "feel sorry for Ben" card again.  It's going to take ALOT to get me to buy into that w/ all he's done

- Like I said, I can't really feel bad for him: Ben lies to Syid about how Locke died, and even uses his murder to manipulate Syid into working for him again.  Such pure evil manipulation.  It makes me soooo mad!

- The drink Syid is drinking is the "McGutchen" or whatever is the same type of drink that Widmore told Desmond that he'd never be worthy of drinking

- This gal sitting next to Syid, I think she's the one who was sitting next to him on the plane headed back to the island...I think

- Ok, so the Juliet/Kate thing...I have a feeling Kate is going to find a way to get back together w/ Sawyer.  I say that only because everything is off and on

- See?  I told you Ben is still evil.  He's responsible for starting the fire and risking killing/injuring innocent people!  But what's the deal w/ Syid thinking his purpose is to take Ben to the "hostiles?"  Or is his intention to try to kill Ben, I wonder?

- Alright, so now the realy question is: is Ben actually dead?  If Faraday is right, then Ben is going to live thru this somehow (healing power of the Island?).  But if Faraday is wrong, Ben could actually be dead, which would be an interesting turn of events, and I'll be interested to see what results from that.

I would say that this was a thought-provoking episode, but not really many answers, not really any new amazing questions either.  Good episode, though.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Agreed, good episode. I don't want Kate and Sawyer to get back together. I like the Juliet/Sawyer thing. They are good together and need to stay that way. Kate really bugs me right now. Here's Jack who has loved her for like 3+ years even with all her crap and she's just walkin' all over him. Erg. I want to pull her hair or something.
I'm glad Syid shot little Ben. He's annoying anyway.