Thursday, January 22, 2009

Episode 501 - Because You Left

Sorry for the delay in posting, I had something more important than LOST come up last night.

I don't have a ton of thoughts from the 1st episode of season 5, but here's what I do think:

-I'm still really enjoying LOST! Truthfuly I've been a bit afraid that season 5 won't live up to all that season 4 was. While there's still much left before I'll know for sure, this first episode gives me a good feeling.

- I love that they're still doing time travel stuff, and actually more intense now! It seems that they're taking a deterministic approach (which they hinted to previously w/ Desmond), which I do find a bit more interesting story-wise than the Back to the Future model where you can change the future. I'm interested to see how it all ends up, though.

- So my current hypothesis relates to the very beginning of the episode w/ the Candle/Hanso guy. When he was talking about all the energy stored behind that wall and that if it was released it would cause issues or whatever; maybe that's why Alex was able to be killed and Widmore was able to break "the rules;" because perhaps when the hatch blew up it released that energy. On the other hand, it could also be what Ben did that released that energy and that's why Dan is all concerned that they need help.

- Last thought: can I just say that Hurley isn't very bright in this episode? I mean, why pick up the gun in the first place, and then to hold it and look over the side at the dead guy? Really, common, that's silly even for Hurley.

Those are my thoughts for now, I'm going to try to get the other one watched tonight before bed, if I can stay up that long.

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