Thursday, May 29, 2008

Episode 412

My thoughts on the 3 hour season finale...

- When Sun is talking to her father about taking over his company, she says that there are 2 people responsible for Jin's death. The first one is her father, but she doesn't mention the second person. Who might it be?

- I LOVE the way they started this episode! The picked up right where they left off at the end of the season 3 finale. Its really clever and gives us lots more info, like...

- So the guy in the coffin at the end of season 3 is Jeremy Bentham. But who the heck is he?!

- They've been off the island for 3 years! That's much longer than I thought.

- Kate helps save Ben. That was a bit of a surprise. She must really want to get off the island to stick her neck out for him. But I didn't think she wanted off since she's still wanted.

- We know that those on the island are still alive: Hurley suggests that when talking to older Walt, saying that the Oceanic 6 lied to protect those still on the island (though there may be some people who are dead)

- So it seems that having the Oceanic 6 lie about what really happened was actually Locke's idea, and thereby Jack's suggestion to the 6. That's totally not what I thought.

- I love that we have confirmed time tavel! Yes, I'm geeky, ok?

- Ben really doesn't care about the people on the boat, he cares more about his revenge. Yet another confirmation that he's evil and I hate him.

-Charlotte is looking for where she was born? So she thinks she was born on the island? I wonder if she's a bigger piece to this story than we think...

- Wow! What a switch for Sawyer! He sacrifices himself for the others in the chopper. He totally wouldn't have done that in the first season. I wonder what he whispered to Kate? I think it probably has something to do with what Kate was doing for Sawyer in an earlier episode that made Jack all upset when she wouldn't tell him what she was doing for Sawyer.

- So Jeremy Bentham isn't actually his name; it must be someone else that we actually know...

- Ok, I'm officially not happy... it looks like Jin is actually dead. Not only that, but Sun had to see him still there left on the boat and then the whole thing blow up! That's horrible!! And for the icing on the cake, The icky, nasty Christian was there at the end w/ Michael. Have I mentioned that I don't like Christian?

- I'll bet several of you figured this out earlier than I did, but when John talked about moving the island, maybe he was talking about moving it in TIME not in SPACE. That could explain why Ben sorta' blew up the "vault" which appears to be the time machine.

- Whoever moves the island can never come Ben telling the truth? Can he really not ever come back to the island? I have trouble believe that. I wonder if its another half-truth Ben's so good at.

- And I'm a bit frustrated that we don't actually get to see how Ben gets off the island. Darn! But seeing Ben "move the island" is really interesting. His comment to Jacob that he hopes he's happy seems to fit the idea that Ben & Jacob haven't exactly seen eye to eye on how to run things. Also the expression on his face, almost looks like sadness, and I'd think we're supposed to think its because he knows he's leaving the island. We'll see.

- Oh my goodness, the island actually disapeared. This season is definitley way more sci-fi than any previous season.

- Penny & Desmond reunite!!!! That's so freaking cool! It's horrible that Jin dies, but its balanced in many ways by the reconnection of Penny & Des.

- Jeremy Bentham is LOCKE!!!!!!!

- And they have to ALL go back in order to get back to the island? Really? So is the next season going to be all about the 6 + Locke trying to get back to the island?

Wow, so I totally loved seaons 4. Its my favorite by far so far. Just so sad that we now have to wait until next January, over 6 months, before the next episode.

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