Saturday, May 23, 2009

New Ideas

Ok, so now that the finale is over and I've had a chance to talk to quite a few people about it, here are some new thoughts about what we have in store for the final season and what it all means:

- I think the guy I will referr to as the anti-Jacob (the guy who was w/ Jacob at the beginning of the episode who ends up killing Jacob) is in fact the black smoke somehow, or at least related to it. This explains how anti-Jacob can become Locke: he's able to take the form of anyone who's dead and on the island. For example: Yemmi (Echo's brother), Christian Shepherd (Jack's dad), and, of course, Locke. I also think he can take their form off the island viz. Charlie and Anna-Lucia appearing to Hurley. Which leads me to my next thought...

- I think we will see an episode, possible the season premiere, where we see anti-Jacob do all the same things that Jacob did in trying to influence our heoroes off the island. Just like we saw Jacob interract w/ Kate, Sawyer, and Hurley, I think we'll see the anti-Jacob interract w/ our firends off the island and help orchestrate their coming (and in some cases coming back) to the island.

- Ok, now about time travel. I've maintained that I think the bomb did NOT change the timeline and that, in fact, Faraday was right the first time when he said you can't change the past "what's happened, happened." Well, I just saw Star Trek (which was AMAZING, btw) and am now beginning to doubt that a bit. Here's why: the movie delt w/ time travel and how it changed the future. Star Trek was directed by JJ Abrams, the creator of LOST, as well as Damon Lindelof who produced Star Trek and, you guessed it, LOST. Because they both worked on Start Trek and LOST, it makes me second guess my hypothesis that they can't change the past/future (depending on your perspective). Still, I think one big reason Abrams had the change the future approach in Star Trek was so he could make more ST movies w/o having to follow the original storyline/arch. We'll see...

1 comment:

Beth said...

Ok, so here's my prediction on next season:

The past was changed. The plane landed in LA (yay! Charlie isn't dead!) BUT since the show deals with the idea of destiny a lot, ALL the characters will come together somehow, probably saving the world or something to do with the island. All of them, even those who weren't on the plane (Desmond, Faraday, etc). My bet, is someone (Jacob?) will be able to tell them what happened because, well... its Lost and you never know.

But good thought about star trek! I didn't realize Damon was involved until the credits. I wonder if he put any Lost easter eggs in there. :P

Anyway, I can't wait 'till January!