Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Episode 516 - The Incident

- Ok, so we start w/ more Egyptian stuff...somehow that seems to be connected to the island, both with the underground stuff around the H bomb and the mysterious statue

- The ship in the background...the Black Rock?!

- Ok, so Jacob is a real person, at least at some point in time.  The question is: is Jacob still alive at the time when Locke is going to kill him.  Oh, and, who is the other guy who was talking to Jacob who wants to kill him?

- Ok, so there's a whole new spin on things w/ Jacob that I've never considered.  I have NO idea what it means that Jacob was off the Island and helping Kate

- Hmm, hearing that Eloise is pregnant (w/ Faraday, I'm sure) makes me wonder...did the accident at the swan station, or maybe something related to the H bomb, cause the issue where people couldn't have kids on the Island.

- I wonder if Locke is just telling each person what he things they need to hear and none of it is actually what he plans or why he wants to see Jacob

- Hey now, I want to know what's in that box!  I also want to know how these people are associated w/ the others.  They asked the question related to the statue, if I remember correctly, and therefore are part of the others/hostiles/whatever group that follows Jacob.

- Ok, so now we see that Jacob visited Sawyer Jacob specifically picked everyone who arrived on the Island it seems.

- Seriously?  Its only 9:30?  There's alread been soooo much in this episode and we're only a quarter of of the way thru it!

- Can I just say, the way they are carying the box is just like the Ark of the Covenant.  Just saying...

- Why does Jacob have to touch each of the people we're seeing him interact w/ our main characters in the past...

- Did Kate & Juliet talk while Jack & Sawyer were fighting and somehow that conversation led Juliet to change her mind?

- So Jacob was a part of getting the Oceanic 6 back to the Island as well...

- Nice, climb into the METAL vehicle to try to get away from the giant magnet!  Soooo smart!

- Wow, talk about an emotional roller coaster!  Juliet appears to be gone, which is sad both for Juliet and also for Sawyer: he finally has gotten over his issues to be able to love someone else and she "leaves" him.  Heart wrenching!

- What lies in the shadow of the statue? Something in spanish or italian, maybe?  Sounded like liquid something?

- Is the person we thought was Locke actually widmore?  Or maybe the other guy from the beginning of the episode who said he wanted to kill Jacob.

- SUUUUUUUUUUUUKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!   I knew I'd hate the end of the season, but cummon!  I'm mean really?!?!?!?!?  What's the deal w/ this other guy who apparently kille Jacob?  Who is he and what's the loophole he found?  Did blowing up the bomb actually prevent all the events that happend, or was it the cause of everything in the first place?

And, ok, what's w/ the WHITE?  For the first time since the series began, the LOST logo was on a white background!  I mean its cool, but why? They ALWAYS do stuff for a reason.

Ok, a few closing thoughts on the season.  First, it wasn't as good as season 4, in my opinion.  Granted, it was still a great season, but 4 is still my favorite.  We've learned quite a bit that we didn't know before and have a much more complete picture of what's going on.  However, in the last 2 hours of the show we've gotten several very new questions that I don't even know what to think about or how to address some of the new ideas/concepts/events that have occured during this episode, especially surrounding Jacob and the other guy he was with.

One final thought:  While I am, of course, frustrated that I have to wait unitl nearly next February before seeing anything new realted to LOST, I still love the show and, though it drives me crazy, do enjoy thinking about all the posibilities and tyring to figure out what's going on, what's going to happen, and how its all connected.  I love this show!

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