Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Episode 505 - This Place is Death

-I want to know more about this smoke monster!  I can't believe people actually went down that hole after it!

-So, the smoke monster is in fact a security system, and its guarding the temple specifically.  I wonder if that's the same temple that Ben told the Others to go to at the end season 3 as they were preparing for the boat people to come...

-What's the deal w/ Charlotte speaking Korean?  That seems a bit too convienient for the plot problem of no one knowing how to fully communicate w/ Jin

-...althought it is incredibly funny that she also speaks Klingon.  : )

-Wow, Ben doesn't get angry very often.  I think this is only the 2nd time we've seen him genuinly angry.  That means he's either telling the truth about helping them, or he's an even amazingly good liar, even more amazingly good at it than I thought.  Then again, he might be angry not because of what he did to help them, but rather because they are keeping him from doing what he secretly is trying to accomplish

-This season definitly does have the feeling that we're getting more answers than new questions and that we're heading for some closure.  At least that's the feeling I'm getting overall, especially in this episode (probably w/ the revelation of Charlotte having grown up on the island and meeting Dan in the past!)

-Ok, so if Charlotte died on the island, does that mean she'll appear to someone else at some point like everyone else who's died on the island?  Or maybe...some other really good idea that I can't remember anymore

-Eloise Hawking...she must be the lady from Desmond's vision thing that was under the church.  But now, I'm wondering, why did Ben make sure HE was the one to move the island instead of Locke, who was supposed to move it (news to me, that's for sure)

- So, is the wheel that's "off its axis" the reason that everyone who's left on the island is skipping thru time, I wonder...

OH MY GOSH!!! They're just going to leave us hanging like that?!  
-Desmond knows the lady, Eloise, from his vision, but he hasn't said anything yet.  
-She's letting them go back w/o the rest of those who left, apparently, she seems to know more about this whole thing than even Ben does, and seems to be in charge of Ben, which is saying alot
-She's Dan's mother, which is crazy (though I think I guesed that as a posibility already) because its yet another way everyone's interconnected

Wow, even though this episode wasn't quite as exciting during the main portion of it, the last 5 minutes were amazingly great!!


Amy said...

Yes, it was intense! I agree- not as intense as the last few episodes, but still had it's twists. One comment, don't forget that Eloise was also the lady that sold Desmond the ring for Penny before they broke up (right after they took that picture together). Is that the vision you're talking about?

R. Palmer said...

Yes, that was in the vision.