Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Episode 504 - The Little Prince

Ok, so I missed the first half, so I'll update those after I watch those tomorrow...

- So, those other guys w/ the boats that Locke & crew took, I wonder who they are. I'm gathering that we're now in the future. I would venture a guess that it's people somehow connected to Widmore, just 'cause he wants to get back. I am intrigued by the name of the Indian airline water bottle thing, though. Did another plane crash? Did they drop out of the sky? How did they find the island since it moved/is moving?

- Claire's mom is the one who's trying to get Aaron! How does she know its her granddaughter, I wonder? I would venture a guess that either Ben or Widmore is involved in her knowing somehow...

- Hmmm, so Claire's mom doesn't actually know, and the laywer is actually working for Ben. I knew it was conneted to Ben/Widmore somehow...

- Wait a minute...that was Jin. Is he still alive, or are we in the past somewhere? I originally thought that this was the french mission that Ruseau was on (and it may still be), but if that's the case, is this Jin in the past somehow, or is it Jin from the boat that blew up, but he didn't actually die, and he's moving thru time w/ the rest of everyone and that's how he got there?

- Ha! I was right, it is Ruseau!!

Now I need to go watch the first half that I missed and update w/ any other pieces of interest. Oh, and I have to go to work in the morning too.


Amy said...

Ok, so first I think its funny that you take notes while you're watching LOST. Second- I have some thoughts.

-The whole episode I was thinking about how Kate will get to keep Aaron. Somehow, I'm guessing Jack will give them a DNA sample and then they can keep him. Since he was blood related to Claire, that might be the key.
-I'm not so sure that its just Ben that the lawyer works for. I have a sneaking suspicion that there's someone else involved. Sun?
-Speaking of Sun, what's the deal with her and the gun (I hope you've seen that part already)?

This is intense... let's talk more about this.

Amy said...

One more thought: Is Claire actually dead? I'm not so sure.

And I KNEW Jin would still be alive. I think Michael is too, somewhere.

R. Palmer said...

No, Claire isn't dead, and she's never supposed to have been. She just walked off with Christian Shepherd, Jack's dead dad. Last we saw her she was in "the cabin" with Christian, I believe.

Amy said...

Yes, you are right. Claire just left Aaron by that tree and then showed up with Christian later.

Ok, so Christian- did he come back to life? In season 1, when Jack discovered the caves, he saw the casket his father was supposed to be in, but he wasn't in it. I think he was never dead- the island did something to him.
-2nd thought: when Jack found the caves, they found an "Adam and Eve" of the island. Do you think we'll find out who those bodies were this season?