Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Episode 513 - Some Like it Hoth

-I don't know know how I feel about an episode that focuses on Miles.  He's not a real lost-y in my mind.  

-His dad's body is somewhere he can never it maybe the island?

- Hmm, that does bring up an interesting question: why DID Widmore want someone who can speak to dead people?  Was there someone in particular that Widmore wanted him to talk to?

- WHAT?!  Marvin Candle whatever his name is if Mile's dad?!  I was at least right that he was on the island.

- Since they are taking the dead body to the Marvin Candle guy, I wonder if they are going to run an experiment to see if they can bring him back to life.  That might help explain the Locke thing ever so least that the island has that ability

- I wonder why Widmore thought they could find Ben using dead people.

- I love Hurley and his attempt to bring people together and reconcile.  :)

- I wonder what DOES lie in the shadow of the statue

- LOST & Star Wars!!!  My life is complete!

- I must say, as a Jack fan, I really like the way he just tells Sawyer what's happened and let's him deal with it, especially after Sawyer made such a big deal about how he's in charge and he thinks first and basically better than Jack.  Well, clearly he's not.  :)

- You know, this is more in the old-school LOST style, where we focus on one character and get flashbacks that gives you insight to the current character's plight.

- And I TOTALLY disagree w/ Hurley that the Ewoks suck.  Ewoks are cool!

- Ha!  Faraday is now back!  Looks like his 'disapearing' was actually working for the Dharma Initiative doing science work.  I' m interesting in finding out what he's been doing and all the stuff he can now contribute to helping decode what's happened/happening w/ the island.

One final comment, not directly related to the show: next week is a "sepecial event" which makes me think its not an actual episode, which kinda' annoys me.  The whole deal w/ the show being only half a season is that they'd play the episodes back to back w/o interruptions or reruns.  They've already done one rerun this seasons, now potentially another one?  Not cool.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

so i definitely have been reading your lost blog since i started season four haha and this episode made me think of you during hurley's star wars script. I definitely thought that you would have more to say on the subject but hey whatever haha I also predicted that you would disagree with hurley on the ewok thing too :) I also wanna say that I saved SO much time watching lost right before the show ends muhaha