Thursday, May 29, 2008

Episode 412

My thoughts on the 3 hour season finale...

- When Sun is talking to her father about taking over his company, she says that there are 2 people responsible for Jin's death. The first one is her father, but she doesn't mention the second person. Who might it be?

- I LOVE the way they started this episode! The picked up right where they left off at the end of the season 3 finale. Its really clever and gives us lots more info, like...

- So the guy in the coffin at the end of season 3 is Jeremy Bentham. But who the heck is he?!

- They've been off the island for 3 years! That's much longer than I thought.

- Kate helps save Ben. That was a bit of a surprise. She must really want to get off the island to stick her neck out for him. But I didn't think she wanted off since she's still wanted.

- We know that those on the island are still alive: Hurley suggests that when talking to older Walt, saying that the Oceanic 6 lied to protect those still on the island (though there may be some people who are dead)

- So it seems that having the Oceanic 6 lie about what really happened was actually Locke's idea, and thereby Jack's suggestion to the 6. That's totally not what I thought.

- I love that we have confirmed time tavel! Yes, I'm geeky, ok?

- Ben really doesn't care about the people on the boat, he cares more about his revenge. Yet another confirmation that he's evil and I hate him.

-Charlotte is looking for where she was born? So she thinks she was born on the island? I wonder if she's a bigger piece to this story than we think...

- Wow! What a switch for Sawyer! He sacrifices himself for the others in the chopper. He totally wouldn't have done that in the first season. I wonder what he whispered to Kate? I think it probably has something to do with what Kate was doing for Sawyer in an earlier episode that made Jack all upset when she wouldn't tell him what she was doing for Sawyer.

- So Jeremy Bentham isn't actually his name; it must be someone else that we actually know...

- Ok, I'm officially not happy... it looks like Jin is actually dead. Not only that, but Sun had to see him still there left on the boat and then the whole thing blow up! That's horrible!! And for the icing on the cake, The icky, nasty Christian was there at the end w/ Michael. Have I mentioned that I don't like Christian?

- I'll bet several of you figured this out earlier than I did, but when John talked about moving the island, maybe he was talking about moving it in TIME not in SPACE. That could explain why Ben sorta' blew up the "vault" which appears to be the time machine.

- Whoever moves the island can never come Ben telling the truth? Can he really not ever come back to the island? I have trouble believe that. I wonder if its another half-truth Ben's so good at.

- And I'm a bit frustrated that we don't actually get to see how Ben gets off the island. Darn! But seeing Ben "move the island" is really interesting. His comment to Jacob that he hopes he's happy seems to fit the idea that Ben & Jacob haven't exactly seen eye to eye on how to run things. Also the expression on his face, almost looks like sadness, and I'd think we're supposed to think its because he knows he's leaving the island. We'll see.

- Oh my goodness, the island actually disapeared. This season is definitley way more sci-fi than any previous season.

- Penny & Desmond reunite!!!! That's so freaking cool! It's horrible that Jin dies, but its balanced in many ways by the reconnection of Penny & Des.

- Jeremy Bentham is LOCKE!!!!!!!

- And they have to ALL go back in order to get back to the island? Really? So is the next season going to be all about the 6 + Locke trying to get back to the island?

Wow, so I totally loved seaons 4. Its my favorite by far so far. Just so sad that we now have to wait until next January, over 6 months, before the next episode.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Episode 411

Just a few thoughts on this last episode (I don't have much steem this week)

-Interesting that Michael still can't die: when the soldier guy on the ship trys to shoot him in the head, it doesn't work

- Horace, the Darhma Inititive guy that John sees in the dream says "Hello there" just like John does. I know I've seen the Horace character before, but I don't remember exactly where. I wonder if he's somehow related to John

- Richard finds John right after he's born! That's pretty interesting. Though he seems to be frustrated that John isn't what he's supposed to be, which is too bad. However, the big tall black guy that wheels his wheelchair later, the guy who works for Widmore and organized the whole ship expedition back to the island, he finds Locke and recognizes that he's important...

- ...though he also says that John is going to owe him, which concerns me

- Not significant, but funny. When Hurley askes what happened to the Darhma guys, Locke says "He did," referring to Ben. : )

- Oh yeah, and Widmore's man is the one who gave John the idea of a walkabout. Interesting, and the interconnections continue!

- I'm actually a little annoyed that Christian Shepherd (Jack's dad) is around, not dead, and claims to be speaking for Jacob. I want to see Jacob and find out what his deal is. Christian just bothers me, and that Claire trusts him bothers me too. Though her trust in him is probably why she's willing to let Aaron go.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Episode 409

Ok, so I have to be honnest, I LOVED this new episode of LOST!!! It's so nice to have the show back on again, and tonights episode did not dissapoint (unilke the last episode).

Here's my thoughts on the episode, as always, also posed on the google group.

-As the LOSTies are playing the game of risk (which I guessed, btw), you couldn't have missed the reference to Australia and how its "the key to the whole game." I can't believe that that's just referring to the game. It probably has some veiled meaning/connection to the actual country and why the LOSTies came from their before crashing.

- In the first flash forward, we see Ben's jacket (in the desert, which is interesting, yeah?) with the name Halowax on it. Edgar Halowax is the guy in the orientation videos. Interesting connection, yeah?

- Also, I think Ben used the transportation device we've yet to see to get to the desert, the same one used to transport the polar bear to Tunisia we saw earlier in the season.

- When I saw the missile hit Claire's house, I wasn't convinced she was least not yet. If she does die, I think it'll come later, possibly next season. Jury's still out on whether she'll actually die, or just be prevented from leaving the island w/ Aaron.

- The date Ben arrives in Tunisia is October 24, 2005, over one year after the plane crash. Interesting that he has to double check what the date is. This is either a reference to time travel, or a time envelope that surrounds the island. Something like that, I'm still not sure on the details (though very intrigued)

- The name Ben gives to the hotel clerk is Moriarty, probably an allusion to Moriarty, the arch nemesis of Sherlock Holmes. The LOST writers are VERY well read!

- I think its interesting to watch the story of Sayid unfold...he finds Nadia, marries her, then she gets killed, and that's what initially intices him to kill for Ben. Though again, Ben is the master manipluator and is really pulling the strings there.

- So I'm confused: was it Ben or Widmore who staged the fake crash of Oceanic flight 815? I originally thought it was Widmore, then Ben, and now it seems to be Ben again. Though I do realize that Ben is a liar, so he may not be telling the truth here. I'll need to re-watch the episode where the captian talks to the LOSTies about it.

- As much as I'm sad that Alex gets killed (she's about the most innocent person on the island), I have to say I get mild satisfaction that Ben, the master manipulator, loses control and his manipulation doesn't hold up. He was betting on the shooter to give up, but he calls Ben's bluff instead.

- Which leads to another interesting point/comment, when Ben remarks that "he changed the rules." I wonder what the rules are. We later find out that Charles Widmore is the "he" that changed them, but why can he do that? Does he have some form of control on the island, even though he can't find it?

- With the black smoke, first, that's the nastiest we've seen it so far. It was huge, and it was mad. Second, did Ben actually call it in the sense of being in control of it, or did he do something to anger it or motivate it to attack those guys? Ben always wants to appear in control, but I'm wondering if maybe he's not perfectly in control. I dunno

- Also interesting that Sawyer cares so much for the other LOSTies. He goes after Claire, he sticks up for Hurley. Its quite a switch. It'd be interesting to see if it could be traced back to him killing Locke's father; if getting that emotional baggage taken care of has freed him up to care for those around him. Either way, he's definatly a leader now.

-Why can't Ben kill Widmore? Is it because he wants to kill Penny first? Is it part of "the rules?" So many new questions!

I loved this episode! There were answers and new information, as well as new questions. The perfect balance of the two that keeps me both satisfied and wanting more!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Episode 408

This post available for discussion at:

Since this season started, I've been really into LOST, watching 2 hours a week: the new episode, and the previous week's episode enhanced w/ the ticker the hour before. I've taken notes during the episodes so I'd know what interesting thoughts to post about. I've thought, often wrongly, about who the Oceanic 6 are, who's going to die, and other interesting points. Its been a great season.

So I guess I shouldn't be surprised that eventually an episode came that didn't live up to the standard that was set. Tonight's episode was that episode. I mean, it was fine, not horrible or anything, but I didn't feel like I got any big reveals, any ah-ha moments, or anything that really got me excited. All in all I was dissapointed by the episode (not to mention my frustration that there wasn't an enhansed episode on before it).

I don't feel like I have much to say. I think it's silly that Mr. Friendly is gay. I didn't need to know and would rather not have known. Michael feels bad, yet still continues in his bad decisions. There was no suspence about him hitting the "Execute" button, because we know the boat and Michael make it. The only thing that is even a little worth discussing are who shot Karl and Ruseau. I think it's the rest of The Others; I think they're near enough to the temple (which, by the way, is a Dahrma station, not an actual temple) that its being guarded. Of course I could be wrong, as I often am about things.

Overall, largely dissapointed tonight.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Episode 407

Google group:

Ok, is it just me, or have nearly all the episodes this season had all the really good stuff happen in the last 1/4 of the episode? It really seems like the first half, at least, of the show isn't any thing special, then all of a sudden things come together at the end. Anyway, here's the thoughts for tonight's episode:

- Sun & Jin the final part of the Oceanic 6. I totally called it! I have to give credit to Joia, since we sorta' came to the conclusion together...ok, so it was really all Joia, I just agreed, but whatever.

- Although I have to say, its possible Jin isn't actually one of the Oceanic 6, since everyone thinks he's dead, in which case we're still waiting on one more. And the more I think about it, the more likely this seems...

- What's w/ Juliet telling Jin about Sun's affair? Did she think it'd earn her some trust points? Definatly not the strategy I'd've taken. Seems as though the years of being an Other has influenced her.

- So did you notice? Right after the scene on the fishing canoe w/ Jin and Bernard, when they were talking about karma, you see the Ship and it's name. I didn't get it exactly, but its something like: KAHAMA. Whatever it is is really close to Karma. And since the show is LOST, its not a coincidence.

- So apparently, acording to the captian (who can't be trusted), Ben is the one who staged the fake crash of Oceanic 815. That's crazy. He really must have the "magic box" to get whatever he wants. Creepy...

- Ok, I have to say, though that I DID totally call it on Michael! After last week when Ben to Locke that he'd have to sit down to find out who his man was on the boat, I knew it was Michael. Interesting that he's under an assumed name, and that he's working for Ben. That means Ben's been in contact w/ him somehow and that Michael has agreed to work for him. What sort of masterminded manipulation has Ben done now? Is it something with Walt?

- It seems that Jin is in hiding, and possibly in China or something, but I'm not sure about that. He claims to only have been married for 2 months, so we know its not Sun he's talking about. So I wonder now if its actually BEN who gets everyone off the island instead of the ship. Ben's the one in control, as usual. Just like he's controling Sayid, he must be manipulating Jin to not let Sun know he's alive. And that circles back to my first point about Jin not actually being one of the Oceanic 6, since Sun thinks he's dead. Unless there was a staged death after they got back...oh the complex possibilities!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Episode 406

Discussion of this post, as always, available on

Oh, and FYI: I've added a few new things from last weeks episode based on the enhansed version shown tonight. Check those out at the google group linked to above.

- So what's the deal w/ the whispers? Those have been around since the beginning of the show, all the way back to Season 1 when Ruseau talks about being able to hear them in the jungle. Based on what happened in tonight's episode, I wonder if its somehow connected to a teleportation device. Maybe something related both to the rabbits in the unaired DHARMA training video (available on youtube and the LOST website) and the Polar Bear located in Tunisai, Africa in the beginning of this season. Who knows, just a guess

- So it seems that we've now identified the two main power players in the season: Ben and Widmore. I don't really know who to root for. I don't like Ben; he's manipulative, posessive, power-hungry, and arrogant. Yet Widmore is selfish and down right mean. It wouldn't surprise me if in the next few episodes they try to make Ben a bit more sympathetic, but right now I'm not buying it

- Juliet references "Jack & Emma" who seem to be kids. My guess is those are the kids from the plane that the Others kidnaped, but I honnestly don't remember. Does it seem weird to anyone else that they take these kids and then the perspective of Ben is that eventually they'll just "stop asking" about their parents?!

- So is it now official that Jack's w/ Juliet and Kate's w/ Sawyer? The kiss from Jack sure seemed to make it seem like that, but then agian, in the flash forwards we've seen Jack and Kate, and Jack says he still loves her. So, does something happen to Juliet (like she dies) or does she just stay on the island?

- That reminds me of something from the beginning of the episode that I thought was really cleaver. The whole opening scene w/ Juliet and Harper where you don't really know if she's one of the Oceanic 6 or not...they play it up as if she is, but then she's not. While, yes, its sorta' predictable, you have to be honnest and admit that you can't really KNOW which way its going to go because the LOST writers don't follow a formula.

- Oh, did I mention that I don't like Ben? He thinks Juliet is HIS? Does that not bother anyone else?

- The other thing that bothers me a bit in this episode is that, like the title, Juliet is the "other woman." On the one hand, there are consequences to this that she has to live with, but on the other hand, she's chapioned as the heroine (please tell me there's just the one spelling and that I didn't just make a big mistake), even though she's in the wrong. Seems to tipify the moral relativism that is common in our culture. Her wrong isn't as bad as that of Ben's, so its not that big a deal. Also, Harper is a jerk, so that justifies Juliet's actions...I'm just not ok w/ that.

- End credits, the notice said that next week we learn the "last of the Oceanic 6". I don't know if that means there are 5 we should know now, or if we get to know the last 2 next week. I'm going to assume the latter, since I don't count Ben or Aaron, for several reasons, including info gleaned from the Podcasts I've listened to recently. : )

Sad thing is that we only have 4 more episodes before the end of the season, but I plan to enjoy every one of them!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Episode 405

This post available for discussion on

Wow, yet another GREAT episode! So far season 4 is matching my interest and "hooked-ness" from season 2. I'm really enjoying this show, in case you haven't noticed. : ) Now for my thoughts from the episode:

- As much as I'd like to think I have the whole island time thing figured out, I just can't quite figure it out. Its probably because its not a constant like I'm trying to make it. Here's what we know:
-- the rocket from the boat is 31 minutes AHEAD of the island time
-- 1 day on the island is about 20 minutes via heilicopter

- The whole thing where Faraday tells Desmond to find him in the past, well, that just sealed it for me, LOST has been getting more scifi this season, and tonight's episode was TOTALLY scifi. Not that I mind, of course, but I think its interesting that such a mainstream show would go that scifi. I like it. : )

- We find out that Penny has been calling the boat, but no one's been allowed to answer. Why is she calling the boat? Does she know they are looking for the Island? Does she know where they are? She clearly knows who they are. I wonder if Charlie's comment to her asking if she was on the boat acutally instegated her calling the ship or something. Interesting twist...

- At the auction, the book/journal thing from the 1st mate of the Black Rock ship (which is located on the island, I'm sure you remember) was owned by the Hanso family. The guy who does all the Orientation Videos, you know his last name? That's right, Hanso. Interesting subtle connection to the Dharma Inititive.

- And I have to say, what's w/ Mr. Widmore not turning off the water in the bathroom w/ Desmond? That's just weird.

Again, many cool things in this episode, though less character things and more island and science-y things. But I'm ok w/ that. : ) Can't wait until next week!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Episode 404

For discussion, please go to the google group:

I don't know if its because I'm more tired or what, but the episode seemed a bit slower than the first 3 of the season. Be that as it may, by the end there were still several interesting points and questions raised!

- We find out partway thru that Kate has a baby, but the immediate question is: is it Sawyer's kid or not?

- Then, during Jack's testimony, we get to hear a bit about the lie the Oceanic 6 are telling everyone. But what I found the most interesting is that Jack said 8 people survived, not 6. So what happened to the other supposed 2? Does the story say that they died later, or was there something else that happened to the 6 besides surviving the crash that made them famous?

- Also during his testimony, Jake says he doesn't love Kate "any more". The question I asked myself at the time was whether or not that was true, and if so, what happened to change things. I think we got the answer later in the episode.

- Then there's the minor scene where Danny & Charlotte are doing the thing w/ the cards. I'm wondering if part of Danny's issues has to do with memories. Remember, back in the 1st episode, we found out (in the enhanced version) that the woman in the backgroud when we first see Danny is his caretaker, not his wife. I wonder if he has a disability or something and came to the island in hopes for healing?

- Why doesn't Jack want to see the baby? Does he feel guilty about something? Dose he disapprove? Is he jealous? All interesting questions, made even more interesting when we actually meet the baby...

- His name is Aaron! So he's either Claire's baby, in which case, what happened to Claire? We know, based on Desmond's vision, that she and Aaron get on the heilicopter, but does she die or have something else happen to her? Is it all part of Ben's icky plan that he's orchestrating? Or is it actually Kate's baby, but she named him Aaron for some other reason (I think this is less likely, but for LOST, still possible).

All in all, interesting issues that came up in this episode. The tide seems to be changing, and I think next week will lead to some new directions, even if not many more answers.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Episode 403

I think discussions will be best on the google group I created: , so please start going there, or let me know that the blog works better. Here's my thoughts on the latest episode:

Ok, I'm a little upset. I just finished typing this whole thing, then google tweaked out and I lost the whole post. I will attempt to re- write it all, but it might not be as good as the first time thru; sorry.

-The experiment Farady was running was very interesting to me. The clock that arrived from the ship ended up being off by 31 minutes. I didn't notice which one was ahead of the other, though I'd assume the island time was behind based on the fact that the rocket took longer to get to the island. So it seems the island has some time-altering effects, like time dilation or something.

-The time thing is interesting, since right before we see the clocks, Jack was talking to the heilicopter pilot about being on the island for 100 days. So it makes me think that its not really 100 days. If its time dilation, then that means that more time has passed off the island

-I'm realizing that this could explain why Richard (mascara man) doesn't really age from the Dahrma time to the "present". Also it could be related to why women can't have babies, maybe?
-And I must make the connection to the main guy on the ship who's named after the guy who came up with "spacetime" which totally connects to the stuff we're coming up with now too. This show is getting more and more science-y. I LOVE it!

-I totally predicted when Syid said "the day I trust Ben is the day I sell my soul" that he would of course be trusting Ben. It also fit that in the flash forwards it already appeared that he had sold his soul

-I think I was talking to Laura in the copy room, but I totally predicted that Ben was really in charge still. It fits. He's the one that Kate knew would know that she was gone when she met Jack at the airport (sorry, its not Sawyer).

-Who is "R.C." on Naomi's bracelett? And did you notice that the german gal Syid kills had one on too?

-BTW: I don't think that Desmond is one of the 6. Yes, he's on the heilicopter, but I really don't think he makes it off...unless he ends up dying.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

LOST Google Group

In addition to this blog, I've also started a google group. I'm not sure which ends up being easier, using this blog w/ comments, or the google group. The group has a Discussion feature that may be easier than comments, but you all tell me. Here's the link to the google group:

Let me know which one works best!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Episode 402

Not as much to say about this episode, but here goes...

- I think Sawyer is 100% right about Ben: he already knows how he's going to get the best of the group, especially Locke. Ben is a master manipluator, and one major way he does this is by controling information. He knows losts, and only doles it out when its advantageous for himself, like towards the end of this episode...

- Did any of you catch the literary reference? The lady from the heilicopter, her name is C-something Staples Lewis. C. S. Lewis. And C. S. Lewis' name in full was Clive Staples Lewis, so they are virtually the same thing. I wonder if there are any other connections there...

Overal I felt there were less interesting developments in this episode than in the last one. All the flashbacks were of characters we have no attachment to, so I think that made it less impactful. Some interesting info, but overall, not much new, not much development. I enjoyed 401 much more, even the second time around.

Episode 401

Here are some of my thoughts after re-watching the first episode of season 4 (it replayed tonight right before the second episode aired):

-Is Claire one of the "Oceanic 6"? I wonder this because in Desmond's vision of Charlie, he saw her getting into a heilicoper.

- Hurley saw Jacob! This has to be important. Not everyone saw him, and Ben is worried when John hears him, so that probably means Hurley has something special about him (other than being probably the coolest charater on the island)

- I think Locke was 'the eye' that Hurley saw in the window when looking into Jacob's cabin. I think Locke went back to talk to Jacob and knows more than we know he knows

- What on earth did Charlie mean when he appeared to Hurley and said he was "dead, but here?" Does that mean he's more than just a halucination of Hurley's?

- When the guy who comes to see Hurley and pretends to be a lawyer, he asks if "they" are alive. I originally assumed he was talking about the rest of Oceanic Flight 815, but I'm thinking he may very well be talking about another "they"

- I'm wondering if what causes all the problems we see in the flash forwards isn't directly those who come to the island, but somehow a result of the fact that the non-others split into two groups. That could explain why Hurley tells Jack that he should have stayed with Jack...

Welcome to LOST Season 4!

So I thought it'd be a cool idea to have a blog to put thoughts about the new season of LOST down. And here it is. I'll try to post after every episode, and I also welcome comments so we can get a good discussion going here. Have fun!