Thursday, March 13, 2008

Episode 407

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Ok, is it just me, or have nearly all the episodes this season had all the really good stuff happen in the last 1/4 of the episode? It really seems like the first half, at least, of the show isn't any thing special, then all of a sudden things come together at the end. Anyway, here's the thoughts for tonight's episode:

- Sun & Jin the final part of the Oceanic 6. I totally called it! I have to give credit to Joia, since we sorta' came to the conclusion together...ok, so it was really all Joia, I just agreed, but whatever.

- Although I have to say, its possible Jin isn't actually one of the Oceanic 6, since everyone thinks he's dead, in which case we're still waiting on one more. And the more I think about it, the more likely this seems...

- What's w/ Juliet telling Jin about Sun's affair? Did she think it'd earn her some trust points? Definatly not the strategy I'd've taken. Seems as though the years of being an Other has influenced her.

- So did you notice? Right after the scene on the fishing canoe w/ Jin and Bernard, when they were talking about karma, you see the Ship and it's name. I didn't get it exactly, but its something like: KAHAMA. Whatever it is is really close to Karma. And since the show is LOST, its not a coincidence.

- So apparently, acording to the captian (who can't be trusted), Ben is the one who staged the fake crash of Oceanic 815. That's crazy. He really must have the "magic box" to get whatever he wants. Creepy...

- Ok, I have to say, though that I DID totally call it on Michael! After last week when Ben to Locke that he'd have to sit down to find out who his man was on the boat, I knew it was Michael. Interesting that he's under an assumed name, and that he's working for Ben. That means Ben's been in contact w/ him somehow and that Michael has agreed to work for him. What sort of masterminded manipulation has Ben done now? Is it something with Walt?

- It seems that Jin is in hiding, and possibly in China or something, but I'm not sure about that. He claims to only have been married for 2 months, so we know its not Sun he's talking about. So I wonder now if its actually BEN who gets everyone off the island instead of the ship. Ben's the one in control, as usual. Just like he's controling Sayid, he must be manipulating Jin to not let Sun know he's alive. And that circles back to my first point about Jin not actually being one of the Oceanic 6, since Sun thinks he's dead. Unless there was a staged death after they got back...oh the complex possibilities!

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