Thursday, February 28, 2008

Episode 405

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Wow, yet another GREAT episode! So far season 4 is matching my interest and "hooked-ness" from season 2. I'm really enjoying this show, in case you haven't noticed. : ) Now for my thoughts from the episode:

- As much as I'd like to think I have the whole island time thing figured out, I just can't quite figure it out. Its probably because its not a constant like I'm trying to make it. Here's what we know:
-- the rocket from the boat is 31 minutes AHEAD of the island time
-- 1 day on the island is about 20 minutes via heilicopter

- The whole thing where Faraday tells Desmond to find him in the past, well, that just sealed it for me, LOST has been getting more scifi this season, and tonight's episode was TOTALLY scifi. Not that I mind, of course, but I think its interesting that such a mainstream show would go that scifi. I like it. : )

- We find out that Penny has been calling the boat, but no one's been allowed to answer. Why is she calling the boat? Does she know they are looking for the Island? Does she know where they are? She clearly knows who they are. I wonder if Charlie's comment to her asking if she was on the boat acutally instegated her calling the ship or something. Interesting twist...

- At the auction, the book/journal thing from the 1st mate of the Black Rock ship (which is located on the island, I'm sure you remember) was owned by the Hanso family. The guy who does all the Orientation Videos, you know his last name? That's right, Hanso. Interesting subtle connection to the Dharma Inititive.

- And I have to say, what's w/ Mr. Widmore not turning off the water in the bathroom w/ Desmond? That's just weird.

Again, many cool things in this episode, though less character things and more island and science-y things. But I'm ok w/ that. : ) Can't wait until next week!

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