Thursday, February 21, 2008

Episode 404

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I don't know if its because I'm more tired or what, but the episode seemed a bit slower than the first 3 of the season. Be that as it may, by the end there were still several interesting points and questions raised!

- We find out partway thru that Kate has a baby, but the immediate question is: is it Sawyer's kid or not?

- Then, during Jack's testimony, we get to hear a bit about the lie the Oceanic 6 are telling everyone. But what I found the most interesting is that Jack said 8 people survived, not 6. So what happened to the other supposed 2? Does the story say that they died later, or was there something else that happened to the 6 besides surviving the crash that made them famous?

- Also during his testimony, Jake says he doesn't love Kate "any more". The question I asked myself at the time was whether or not that was true, and if so, what happened to change things. I think we got the answer later in the episode.

- Then there's the minor scene where Danny & Charlotte are doing the thing w/ the cards. I'm wondering if part of Danny's issues has to do with memories. Remember, back in the 1st episode, we found out (in the enhanced version) that the woman in the backgroud when we first see Danny is his caretaker, not his wife. I wonder if he has a disability or something and came to the island in hopes for healing?

- Why doesn't Jack want to see the baby? Does he feel guilty about something? Dose he disapprove? Is he jealous? All interesting questions, made even more interesting when we actually meet the baby...

- His name is Aaron! So he's either Claire's baby, in which case, what happened to Claire? We know, based on Desmond's vision, that she and Aaron get on the heilicopter, but does she die or have something else happen to her? Is it all part of Ben's icky plan that he's orchestrating? Or is it actually Kate's baby, but she named him Aaron for some other reason (I think this is less likely, but for LOST, still possible).

All in all, interesting issues that came up in this episode. The tide seems to be changing, and I think next week will lead to some new directions, even if not many more answers.

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