Thursday, February 14, 2008

Episode 403

I think discussions will be best on the google group I created: , so please start going there, or let me know that the blog works better. Here's my thoughts on the latest episode:

Ok, I'm a little upset. I just finished typing this whole thing, then google tweaked out and I lost the whole post. I will attempt to re- write it all, but it might not be as good as the first time thru; sorry.

-The experiment Farady was running was very interesting to me. The clock that arrived from the ship ended up being off by 31 minutes. I didn't notice which one was ahead of the other, though I'd assume the island time was behind based on the fact that the rocket took longer to get to the island. So it seems the island has some time-altering effects, like time dilation or something.

-The time thing is interesting, since right before we see the clocks, Jack was talking to the heilicopter pilot about being on the island for 100 days. So it makes me think that its not really 100 days. If its time dilation, then that means that more time has passed off the island

-I'm realizing that this could explain why Richard (mascara man) doesn't really age from the Dahrma time to the "present". Also it could be related to why women can't have babies, maybe?
-And I must make the connection to the main guy on the ship who's named after the guy who came up with "spacetime" which totally connects to the stuff we're coming up with now too. This show is getting more and more science-y. I LOVE it!

-I totally predicted when Syid said "the day I trust Ben is the day I sell my soul" that he would of course be trusting Ben. It also fit that in the flash forwards it already appeared that he had sold his soul

-I think I was talking to Laura in the copy room, but I totally predicted that Ben was really in charge still. It fits. He's the one that Kate knew would know that she was gone when she met Jack at the airport (sorry, its not Sawyer).

-Who is "R.C." on Naomi's bracelett? And did you notice that the german gal Syid kills had one on too?

-BTW: I don't think that Desmond is one of the 6. Yes, he's on the heilicopter, but I really don't think he makes it off...unless he ends up dying.

1 comment:

Joia Poort said...

The time thing is interesting. On the episode where Desmond and Sayid arrive at the tanker, it only took a short amount of time (around 20 minutes or so??) but back on the island everyone was freaking out that they hadn't heard from them in a day...