Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Episode 610 - The Package

Sorry I don't have that detailed of a post here, but I was in San Francisco last Tuesday when the episoded aired and didn't watch it until late Saturday night, and I didn't feel up to watching and blogging, so I decided to just enjoy the episode.  Here are a few over-arching thoughts from the episode...

- I enjoyed the story of Jin & Sun in the "flash sideways" mostly because it helped tie some info together about why Jin was in the freezer and how it was related to Sayid's sideways story.  Not that I care all that much about the flash sideways story, but I do like the connection.

- While I think it's a bit silly that Desmond is "the package," I am excited that he's back in an episode now!  I've missed Desmond, brotha', and I'm glad he's back.  Here's hoping we'll get an episode (maybe tonight?) about Desmond and what he's up to these days

- Speaking of Desmond, I wonder if his ability to sorta' disconnect from time is related to why he's "the package" and if it makes him special in some way, especially as it relates to the island.  We've already seen time as an issue on the island, mostly in season 4, and Desmond's ability to move around in it (though mentally) might be important

- I'm super proud of Sun for not going with anti-Jacob, even when he promises her the chance to get together with Jin again.  As she tells Jack that she doesn't trust anti-Jacob, I'm super proud of her.  That takes alot of will power and commitment to stick to her convictions, even though it might decrease her chances of reuniting with Jin

- That being said, Jack never should have PROMISED to get Sun back to Jin and to get them off the island.  He doesn't have that power!  I could see that as being something that gets Jack in trouble at the end of the series (you know, just just a few more weeks!)

Ok, those are my thoughts for now.  I gotta' get set up and ready for tonight's episode!

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