Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Episode 612 - Everybody Loves Hugo

I'm excited for a Hurley episode (based on the episode title, I'm assuming that)

- The narrator is Piere Chang!  I'd recognize that voice anywhere!

- Mom want's Hugo to get a gf...maybe the return of Libby?!

- The whispers!! I'm so right.  It's totally a transportation device! -- Except, that I think Michael's supposed to be dead since he was in the freighter right by the bomb.  Hmm...

----- Break #1

- Libby!!!!

- aaand she's still in the mental hospital.  But Hurley isn't?  Or maybe we just don't know it yet

- Oh!  That was unexpected.  Definitely didn't expect her to blow up!

- Hey, did you notice that Kate called Sawyer Sawyer and not James?  She hasn't done it in a while

- Interesting development for Sayid to have abducted Desmond.  Yet Desmond doesn't seem that worried.  I wonder if he feels like he knows what's going to happen/needs to do

----- Break #2

- Why the change Hurley?  Is he planning a bait and switch or something?

- I'm really facinated by the whole Desmond angle.  It really makes the flash sideways much more interesting! And of course, number 42.  : )

- Does Desmond really still think anti-Jacob is Locke?

- Oh Hurley!  That's awesome!  Way to blow up ALL the dynamite.  : )

----- Break #3

- So the real question now is, are they actually going to be able to go on the date, or, because the realities are connected, will they be thwarted

- Ok, but if they go to talk to "Locke," then he'll have all the Oceanic 6 together and he'll be able to get off the island

- So is Hurley bluffing?  I think he is.  I'm also not convinced that Michael is reliable as a dead guy.  Because there was the whispers, it makes me wonder if it was actually from anti-Jacob somehow.  I have no idea how, but maybe?  Its just doubtful to me

----- Break #4

- Whispers!!  Do we get to find out what they are?!?!

- Hmmm, I'm not sure that fits.  Dead people who are stuck on the island who can't move on.  I guess it fits that then people appear.  But Walt isn't dead and he appeared after the whispers, so that doesn't fit!

- Ok, they DO get their date

- !!  Hurley got the flashes!  So we're going to need to get all the LOSTies to get the flashes.  What happens once they do?

- Nice job Desmond, nice job.

----- Break #5

- Is this the same well that the real Locke went down right before he got off the island?  It was a very different looking area previously

- anti-Locke is a meany-pants

- I wonder if Desmond is actually dead.  And can he be dead in one reality but not the other?  'Cause he's already on his mission in the flash sideways

- oop I guess that answers that questions.  : )

- ooooo, so then Locke had the flash, I think we're supposed to assume

And can I just say, I really DON'T like anti-Locke?  Is this the first time Jack has seen anti-Jacob as "alive Locke"?  Does Jack know that anti-Jacob isn't actually Locke?  I can't remember anymore!

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