Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Episode 609 - Ab Aeterno

I'm going to be totally honest (as opposed to all those other times when I lie to you all): I'm really excited for this episode! It's supposed to be all about Richard Alpert, according to the actor who plays him. Also, according to that actor, it's a really good episode. I'm really hopeful and looking forward to getting some really interesting info tonight!

- NO! They are not in hell, that's stupid. I don't actually think that Richard is right. I think he's just mad and disappointed and running to the anti-Jacob for answers. Nope, I don't believe it

-----Break #1

- Who's Hurley talking to in spanish? Any family member?

- Lapidas, funny joke: "How in hell do you think that happened" referring to Richard not aging...right after he said that they were all dead and in hell. Funny joke!

- Ok, so since Richard is hispanic, perhaps Hurley was talking to someone related to him...could be either

- Great theology guys. You know it's not grace if you can do something to get rid of it. Then it's earned. Cummon!

-----Break #2

- Whitfield, hmmm, I wonder if he's at all related to Widmore?

- HANSO! He's the family that's connected to the Island from long time ago, back w/ the auction that Widmore goes to, and Edgar Hallowax mentions his name in one of the orientation videos


- And that's how the black rock made it into the jungle; a title wave of some kind

- I wonder if the captain guy is infected...or maybe just selfish

- What's with the white flashes, and why does the anti-Jacob/smoke monster leave Richard alive? Is it part of his big, long-range plan for the "now" to have Richard run to him instead of fulfilling Jacob's original plans?

- Oh, and, officially, this is the best episode of the season so far, and we're only half thru!

-----Break #3

- Gross! Bohr eating dead person!

- Ok, I'm confused w/ his wife. How could she have been there? It can't be hell, since our Oceanic 6 could get off the island. I think that the flashes are how the smoke monster reads people's thoughts and can know everything about them, including who to become to properly manipulate them

- The return of the anti-Jacob (original)! I still think that somehow the anti-Jacob became Isabelle or somehow manipulated Richard thru her to convince him to help him get off the island. As well as having the keys "found" on an officer outside, when it's more likely he took them when he killed them. The one piece I can't put together is how the anti-Jacob could be Isabella and the smoke monster at the same time...I'm still missing something

-----Break #4

- What the anti-Jacob is telling Richard about killing him before he speaks is the same thing the Temple Master told Sayid about killing anti-Jacob (Locke)

- We've not seen angry Jacob before!

- This is a great episode!

-----Break #5

- So that's why Richard never ages

- The philosophy espoused by Jacob here is very interesting. The island is "the cork" keeping the evil at bay. But it's the island, not Jacob. Also, anti-Jacob believes everyone is innately evil, which is true, while Jacob believes that's not true and is trying to prove him wrong (but apparently can't, since everyone's died). This also harkens back to the end of season 5 when we first met Jacob & anti-Jacob and Jacob told anti-Jacob that it's not over yet...something like it's not over till it's over.

- That's who Hurley was talking to in the beginning of the episode!

- Sooner than you think? Why did anti-Jacob say that? When does he see him "sooner?"

LAME! So blogger just lost the last 2 paragraphs I was writing. So the jist of it was: this episode was good, I'm hoping for other good ones. Also, I'll be gone next week in San Fransisco on a mission trip, so you'll have to wait until the weekend to hear my thoughts (and I'll have to wait to see it until I get back too!).


KatieBabie said...

thank you!! this has helped! I am so confused... i wish i new about your blog sooner!! :) your comments are hilarious too! Hope you are doing well! Blessings on your mission trip next week!

Anonymous said...

HUrley talking to Isobell. FYI. Didn't mention it.