Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Episode 607 - Dr. Linus

A few starting thoughts:
- First, for some odd reason, even though I've been disappointed with this season, I still really want to see each episode on the night it's on. I guess I keep hoping it will start to get back to what it should be
- Second, even though I don't really have alot to go on w/ this, I think that ultimately, Sawyer will be the replacement for Jacob. I was talking to someone about it today and she's hoping it'll be Jack because she wants Kate & Sawyer to get together, but I still think Sawyer's more likely: he's the most dynamic character in the whole show, shows care for others/selflessness, loves and cares deeply, and doesn't have any ties to life off the island. I could totally be wrong, but that's what I think for now...

- Ok, so Arnzt ('dude, you've got Arntz on you) the science teacher should know that we don't use formaldehyde anymore since it's TOXIC!!

- I should probably feel bad for Ben, but I don't, since all this is really his own fault! He's going to get what he deserves.

- Interesting, however, that Ben isn't able to lie or manipulate his way out of this one; he only denies it. He must be totally out of his element and off balance here!

----- Commercial Break #1

- Huh, I guess that makes sense that Ben's dad is still alive since they were never on the island. But why on earth would Ben choose to live with his dad, I wonder?

- HOLD ON: they were on the island, which means that somehow they got off before the explosion, or at least before it sank, however that happened.

- Umm, as a teacher, it's CREEPY that Alex, Ben's student, came to him AT HOME!

- The Chosen! I saw that book in Sawyer's tent that Ben's going over. Besides the obvious reference to Jacob's replacement, I read that book sophomore year of high school. I liked it so much I read the sequel on my own.

----- Commercial Break #2

- Umm, I'm sorry, but a teacher can't make that type of promise. If there's something inappropriate going on, especially in relation to students, we are LEAGALLY OBLIGATED to NOT keep it a secret

- Apparently Richard doesn't trust Jacob anymore. The anti-Jacob has successfully inserted doubt into his mind. I wonder if he's going to be able to kill himself.

----- Commercial #3

- For an "outdated" lab, that science lab sure looks modern to me...just saying

- And...it doesn't work this way! You can't just become a principal. You have to be certified and a whole bunch of other things.

- Woah, did Richard arrive at the island on the Black Rock? Maybe he was a prisoner?

- So apparently Richard has some of the same rules that Jacob & anti-Jacob have; he can't die/kill himself, but someone else can kill him

----- Commercial Break #4

- Wow, now Jack's the one w/ the faith! Look at that!

- Where's "where we started?"

- I'm not convinced that the anti-Jacob is really going to come thru on all his promises, yet he is persuasive, isn't he?

- Ok, Ben, if you're a thinking guy, you back off now, but then after he writes the recommendation, then force the issue and get his job (I guess I'm not that nice a guy either, huh?)

- Brutal honesty from Ben: the only thing that mattered to him, his power. That's the truest thing he's ever said

- "Because he's the only one who'll have me" is an idea that is so often used against Christians...and unfortunately it's true.

----- Commercial #5

- I do have to say, I'm really thankful that I don't work for an administer as horrible as the one portrayed here! I really have a good principal.

- Way to go Ben! He's actually making a good decision for the first time in his life! It doesn't make up for everything that he's done, but it's nice to see him try to change (We'll see how long it lasts)

- Widmore! I called it! (just now, you didn't hear it because you weren't here sitting with me...since I"m watching this all by myself)

Alright, so I would call this "the episode of hope" for several reasons. First off, because we're seeing hope. Hope for Ben, hope for change, hope for Richard, hope for Jack. It just has hope. And second, this episode is the first one this season that gives me hope that maybe the season isn't totally ruined. I actually enjoyed this. I felt like there were a few more interesting developments, both with Ben and with Richard. No, we didn't get many answers, but I did feel like we made progress; things changed in a direction, even though I don't know yet what that direction is.

I'm not disappointed by this episode. I'm not totally stoked either, but at least I'm not disappointed. It's progress. :)


Jeremy Hamann said...

Alright Ryan, I'll give you a couple of my thoughts, but I'll warn you that you may not like them.

First, I'm liking this season. No, it's definitely not the resolution you want in the sense that we're getting answers for everything. But you have to admit, you do have a very strong desire to know all of the answers :-) What I do think this season is going to do, though, is give resolution as to the lives and paths of our characters that we've come to know, love, and hate over the last 5 seasons. At the same time, though, I think that everything has been building up to something bigger than the survivors of Oceanic flight 815, i.e. the conflict between Jacob and anti-Jacob, who are obviously above everything that has gone on insofar. Side-note: now there is Whidmore to deal with. So, I predict that, although it may come to an abrupt end in the next few weeks, we will get resolution on the lives of the main characters and the conflict between Jacob and anti-Jacob.

Here's a thought: what if the island is something we were never meant to fully understand? What if the writers knew from the beginning that they were never going to tell us exactly what the island is?

Lastly, I think this may be a turning point for Ben. Yes, he has been a horrible, horrible person over the last 5 seasons, but look at tonight's episode! I thought the flash sideways accentuated Ben's situation really well. It's just that the island Ben is not as mature as the flash sideways Ben, but he showed signs of getting to that point. I completely saw it in him admitted (like you pointed out) that the only thing that really mattered to him was his power, and he stupidly chose that over Alex. I think as long as this isn't another one of Ben's manipulative survival techniques, he has a chance at becoming a better man. After all, the flash sideways Ben's main concern was the students, not the power he could have had (foreshadowing?).

So, after a bit of rambling, I'm going to end with this comment. Perhaps this season is intended to shift your focus away from the island and onto the characters. And I'm okay with that :-)

Anonymous said...

2 things:
1. Love how you take the fermaldahide issue.
2. Jacob said he had some friends coming to the island, and Widmore shows up? Huh... I'm just say'n.

Also, I was going to offer to watch Lost with you via speakerphone or something so we could make comments back and fourth, but then I realized I watch Lost an hour before you do so that might be kind of strange for you.


Amy said...

Jeremy and Ben had some good and interesting thoughts.

First, I want to say that I totally knew you were going to pick at the science teacher thing (the fermaldahide, science room, etc). Just ask Matt, I said "Ryan is totally making comments to himself about this". And I was right.

Second, I am actually kind of enjoying this season as well. I have to disagree with your friend though- I think for Kate and Sawyer to end up together would be stupid and I'd be pissed. Though part of me would be frustrated if she ended up with Jack too because of how horribly she's treated him. I still think there's something to be said for Kate's name not being on the wall a few episodes back... I also didn't see her name on the lighthouse either... I'm just sayin'. I sure hope she's not left as the protector of the island, but I still think that it means something.
I'm happy with the few answers we got about Richard in this episode. I vote that he came to the island on the Black Rock and Matt pointed out that in the last episode of Season 5, Jacob and Anti-Jacob were sitting on the beach and were looking at the ship in the distance... is this the Black Rock, possibly?? This brings me to another point that Richard made- he said he couldn't die because Jacob touched him... i think if we go back to the last episode of Season 5 we'll see that Jacob touched the Oceanic 6 too. I wonder if they can't die?? All of them...

Amy said...

Something I forgot to mention last week... when Ben is replacing his father's oxygen, its playing off of the fact that that oxygen is the same stuff he used when he killed his father. Just an observation for you...