Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Episode 606 - Sundown

Here we go...

-Looks like we get to see Sayid's alternate/parallel reality

- Hmm, a scale of good and evil. Sounds like a works-based philosophy. Is that Buddism? I'm not up on my eastern religions

- Woah, the temple master has some moves!

- Umm, confused. What's the significance of the baseball? Why does temple master care so much about it and why does it's falling on the ground stop him from killing Sayid?

------ First Commercial Break

- Is the flash sideways supposed to show us the "good vs bad" in Sayid? Otherwise, I don't much care, to be honest. Still not that interested in the flash sideways' stories.

- How is killing someone a demonstration of good? I'm sorry, but that's messed up morality right there.

------- Second Commercial Break

- LOL Miles totally called it: "Sawyer sent you packing, huh?" Love it

- Hah, like how all the animals stop making any noise when the anti-Jacob is on his way/near?

- Umm, so stabbing the anti-Jacob doesn't seem to be helpful at all. And why on Earth would the temple master ask Sayid to do it when I'm SURE he knew it wouldn't work? This is just frustrating...

-------- Third Commercial Break

- Nice, Sayid, noticing that anti-Jacob is just as manipulative as the temple master

-------- Fourth Commercial Break

- Kimi. That's not a good sign at all. And I think I've seen the other foreign guy before. Maybe he was the restaurant owner w/ the lady who he tortured in prison w/ the cat.

- I have to admit, it's nice to see Kimi not so arrogant and bossy and in control.

- JIN! So is the guy that Sayid's brother borrowed money from Mr. Paik?

--------- Fifth Commercial Break

- Ok, so somehow the temple master could also keep the anti-Jacob out. I'll be honest, I'm really curious what all these "rules" are that allow for keeping the anti-Jacob at bay.

- I'm confused. Why hasn't Claire let Kate get killed or killed her herself? I thought she was super angry that Kate took Aaron?

In case you're wondering, I'm still disappointed. This episode has kept with the same theme of "no useful information, just more questions." Yes, there are some things that are happening, but nothing that really helps or carries things forward. I feel like right now the show is really stagnant with us, the audience, having about the same amount of information since the beginning of the season. I'm losing interest and am actually getting annoyed with the lack of progress in the show right now.

Yes, I know this is LOST and we're not supposed to get answers and all, but they really made me think we'd actually get them last season, because they DID actually give answers! Now we have the whole Jacob vs anti-Jacob thing that was just introduced and the end of last season, and I get that they need to develop that a bit, but can't they do that while proving us answers? Or at least giving us some idea where we're headed and going? I have no idea what's happening and feel aimless, which doesn't give me much of a driving desire to see the next episode.

I mean, take the ending of this episode. Ok, so anti-Jacob killed a bunch of people. Jacob's dead. Yes, there's a band of people who escaped, but they are minor characters and I don't really care what happens to them; there's nothing driving about them. Sun's the only one of interest, but the only thing interesting about her is Jin, and they're separated, so no connection there. And Kate's w/ the anti-Jacob group, probably not because she really wants to be there, but so what? She's going to look out for herself as always, so I don't expect much there either.

All that to say, I'm not happy with this season. So there you go, my thoughts.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Hmmm, I'm feeling close to the same way. I still want to see the next episodes but they better start answering at least a few questions. I do admit, I like this episode better than last week's. An observation on last week's: on the lighthouse thing, Kate's name was still not listed. I want to know why Jacob never mentioned Kate or had anything planned for her. And do we really know for sure that it was Jacob who wrote the names? So far, we only have the anti-Jacob's word for it. For all we know, its a list of people he needs to eliminate. Maybe that's why he looked at Kate funny when she came out of the temple in this episode... she wasn't on the list so he was surprised to see her?