Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Episode 605 - Lighthouse

Alright, here's hoping for a really good episode. Before it begins, here's a thought I had this week:
With Desmond & Penny...if in the flash sideways the island is sunk, its possible that Charles Widmore either died on the island or wasn't ever even on the island, which would change his relation to Penny, changing her relation to Desmond, possible preventing the two of them from ever meeting! My original thought was that Desmond never got shipwrecked on the island, but then I realized that he might not have gone on the boat race to prove his worthy-ness to Penny's dad in the first place, and back I went, realizing how very different the whole situation could be. I really have no idea, I'm just wondering.

Ok, now to tonight's episode:

- Jack has a son in the parallel reality? David? I wonder why. Quite interesting.

- "Everything is an option, but I'd have to stop you" I think that's the free will/desitny theme again, summed up well

- Oooo, tic tac toe, "tie again" probably a symbol/representation of the good versus evil struggle between Jacob and anti-Jacob

- I don't really understand how Jacob can be dead and yet not really be dead and can talk w/ Hurley

--- Commercial break #1

- I'll be honest, I don't see Jack as a father-figure

- YEA Star Was reference! Another reason I love this show! :)

--- Commercial break #2

- And I don't really have anything useful to say here...other than I'm kinda' bored, which is a real let-down. What's the deal LOST? This is the final season and it's supposed to be super exciting and we're supposed to know what's going on, not getting bored.

--- Commercial break #3

- I feel like the part of the jungle Hurley & Jack are walking thru right now is a part we haven't really seen before. The plants look different, and the trees...they're not the same color. Yes, I'm probably crazy. That's ok, I'm used to it

- Hmm, so is Claire now going to try to kill Kate because she thinks she kidnapped Aaron? Not looking good for Kate, especially considering that she still just killed the Other guy

---- Commercial break #4

- 108, isn't that one of the numbers

- What's w/ those names...and the reflections in the mirrors?! That's crazy!! So the numbers correspond to degrees. Measured from what, I wonder? What's zero?

- Smashing the mirrors...that can't be good. Unless Jacob is really even more of a master-mind than I think and the reason he wanted Jack to go up there so that he WOULD smash the mirrors...I don't think that's it, but I'm not sure

--- Commercial break #5

- Well, I guess i was wrong. Jacob DID want Jack to smash the mirrors (or at least to see what was in them). He IS as big of a mastermind as I wasn't sure he was. So why don't I hate him like I hate Ben for being a manipulator?

My overall feeling about this episode is that it has some interesting parts, especially in the last quarter, but most of it wasn't that interesting, and all in all, I'm not super excited about this season. It's really going to need to take a turn to finish out the show well. I'm starting to get...concerned. Not worried yet, there's still time for things to turn around, but there is definite concern.

- So right now we're supposed to think that Claire is the "bad person"...or maybe the anti-jacob


Jeremy Hamann said...

Ryan, you should know what's up with the whole Jacob/Hurley situation. Hurley can see and talk to dead people, as we saw with his encounters with Charlie when he was in the mental hospital. I'm guessing it's the same kind of situation with Jacob, and Jacob knew that. Maybe that's why Jacob needed Hurley to go back to the island. Maybe he's not really a "candidate," or at least not the most likely, and Jacob is just using him as a tool to guide Jack to where he needs to go.

So, as far as the being bored with this season goes, is it because you are much less interested in the flash sideways stuff and just want to stick to the island?

R. Palmer said...

Yeah, I get the whole Hurley-can-see-dead-people thing, but what's confusing his how Jacob can still be orchestrating things as a dead guy. There's really to downside to being dead, then, is there?

I think some of it is because the flash-sideways aren't as interesting to me, but its also because we're not getting answers like we were in season 5. Last season definitely had a feeling like we were approaching an end, heading towards something. This season seems like we've gone backwards, getting a few answers, but mostly more questions, and I guess I'm done w/ more questions. If the same stuff was happening in, say, season 4, I'd probably be more interested.

Jeremy Hamann said...

True, I suppose the downside to being dead though is that you have to rely on Hurley doing things rather than doing it yourself. But, maybe that's how he's always done it, being the leader and protector of the island.

So, I don't know if I've mentioned this to you, but I'm pretty torn between Jacob and anti-Jacob ever since the anti-Jacob claimed that Jacob was protecting the island from nothing. He seems pretty sincere. Then I thought about how Satan wanted Adam and Eve to think there was nothing to worry about, but Satan had different motives (he wasn't trying to escape the island). But here's what gets me: what if there really is no threat to the island? What if the island really is just and island?