Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Episode 603 - What Kate Does

Before we begin, I'm currently re-watching episode 602, the enhanced version, and I have one fairly big question I didn't have/notice the first time through: How/why can the smoke monster (who we now know is the anti-Jacob) be in the temple if that's the hold-out of the Others? I mean, we saw Ben encounter the smoke monster underneath the temple when he saw "Alex", and when Jin first runs in to the temple its because the guy from the French research team gets pulled under thru the tunnel that our heroes enter using. I don't quite get it, unless the anti-Jacob hangs out under the temple, but can't get inside...

Now, on to the new episode!

-Hmm, Sawyer telling Kate not to come after him is remenicent of when Jack told Kate to leave in Season 3 and told her not to come back for him. She didn't listen then, why should we think she'll listen this time?

- I think I know what the test they put Sayid thru was: they wanted to see if he was inhabited by the smoke monster. Oh gosh, but he didn't pass...I wonder why. Maybe he is inhabited by Jacob somehow? We know it's not the anti-Jacob since he was still Locke. (I think).

Oh, and the other reason I think they tortured Sayid is because he was a torturer, though I don't think that's actually their intention, just the "poetic justice" type of thing w/ the story.

- I don't know if I believe the Temple Master (as I'm calling the asian guy) about Sayid being infected or not. I don't think he's the smoke monster, but I could be wrong. Now that I know they are Jacob's followers, I'm inclined to believe and trust them, but there's still a twinge of doubt in the back of my mind...

- Oh yeah, and w/ Kate and Jin in the jungle, w/ the Others w/ them, the Others made some mention of Ruseau being dead for years...was she ever the smoke monster?

-Ok, so if there's poison in the pill, that probably means that they think Sayid is the anti-Jacob. I'm still not sure myself it his is, but it seems to be what the Others think

-NO!! That's what happened to Claire! Jack doesn't know that Claire's his sister...well, I guess he'll know now.

- And Claire's back, but now we know that she's taken by the anti-Jacob somehow...not good. So when did she die? And can the anti-Jacob be more than one person at a time? He'd have to be able to to be Locke and Sayid and Claire all at once...I have no idea how that works

In conclusion, it seems we're now into the mythology of season 6; each season has its own set of ideas and concepts that are introduced, and this season's are the Jacob/anti-Jacob thing. We're not really getting any new answers or parts of the story during this episode, but it was interesting none the less. Though personally, I was much less interested in the "flash sideways" with Claire and Kate, I really want to know what's happening on the island itself! Oh well, until next week!


Jeremy Hamann said...

So I'm kinda thinking two things...

One, maybe the anti-Jacob can become more than one person at one time. That would explain how he could be Locke and Claire, and maybe he was even Russeau. I'm thinking that the anti-Jacob is not Sayid, since the situation with Locke suggests that anti-Jacob can only take the form of another person, not take over their body. Then maybe it is Jacob in Sayid. But then why would the Others want to kill him?

Two, maybe anti-Jacob can sort of "possess" people. If that is what happened to both Claire and Sayid, that would explain how he doesn't need another body. Maybe the person has to die for him to possess them, but then why could he only take the form of Locke?

I have no idea :-)

Amy said...

Ok, here's my theory. You know how Russeau (sp) always said she killed the other french people because they were sick? Well, I think that's what has happened to Claire and to Sayid. I don't think its the anti-Jacob at all. I don't even think he's aware of the situation. The Temple Master said that soon the darkness would consume him- I'm willing to put money on that's what he means.
Also, Jack does know Claire was his sister- he knows exactly who the TM was talking about. Remember that Claire's mom showed up at Christian's funeral and said that Christian was Claire's father.
Mmm, this is going to be a good good season. Its true!