Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Episode 604 - The Substitute

Here's hoping this episode gives more answers than questions, unlike the last episode...

- Woah! John may still be in a wheel chair, but he's w/ his old gf now! I wonder what happened differently...

- And why on earth would John want his dad to be at the wedding like Helen suggested? Maybe his dad didn't steal his kidney and he broke his back for some other reason?

- OOOOOO! We're seeing things from the smoke monster's perspective! Super cool!

- Anti-Jacob is doing the same thing Satan did in the garden: planting doubt in Richard's mind about Jacob & his intentions, lying/concealing things from him.

- Hmmm, interesting that the anti-Jacob saw the weird kid...even he can see things on the island. That implies that he's not in control of what happens on the island.

- I wonder if the kid is little Jacob, young Jacob. Nope, I guess not, since the kid says "him" yet interesting about the rules and also the same line "don't tell me what I can't do" coming from the anti-Jacob instead of Locke, even though Locke said that all the time. Maybe that's one of the reasons that the anti-Jacob picked Locke

- Hmmm, I wonder of they'd actually kill Sawyer. SOOO many fans will be outrageous if that actually happens

- ROSE! I love Rose and I love seeing many of these new connections. It is reminiscent of season 1 when we saw all these connections of our characters

- Wow, this anti-Jacob is as good if not better of a manipulator as Ben!

- Oh! Now that's interesting, the anti-Jacob can't change his appearance anymore and he's 'stuck this way'. I wonder if that's part of the "rules"

- How weird is this, that Ben is speaking over Locke, the guy he killed. --- HAHA Lapidis totally agrees w/ me. :)

- Ok, so was Sawyer's fall all orchestrated by the anti-Jacob to make Sawyer trust him, I wonder?

- The names on the rock doesn't explain anything! Its just a list of names, just like the list that Ben got from Jacob. Not an explanation at all

- Ben as a teacher?! BOOOO!

- Ok, so the numbers next to the names are "the numbers"

- Candidate to take over for Jacob, huh? To protect the island from the anti-Jacob, of course!

- Interesting point brought up by my sister and friend: Kate's name wasn't on the rock. I wonder what that means. Jacob did come to her, we saw it at the end of last season. Does that mean she's the one? Or maybe that Jacob had something else in mind for her? Or someplace else where he actually did stuff?

- And now Sawyer's apparently joined the anti-Jacob. I wonder what that means and what that's going to lead to. LOST is always about "sides", typified by the light/dark motif (the "inside joke"), and once again we have sides being picked, w/ Sawyer moving to the dark side, at least for now.

This episode was more interesting than the last one, I think, though I still wish we were getting more answers than we're getting. And, as I predicted today at work, we didn't see a thing about Claire; we'll have to wait until some other episode, maybe next week, maybe longer. Ah well. At least this one felt like it was advancing the story I'm already locked into as opposed to developing a new line (the temple stuff).


Joia Poort said...

what is up with the noises the smoke monster makes?

Joia Poort said...

How does the smoke monster know everything? Such as people's names and details? Can he not only inhabit dead people, but also access their memories? Otherwise, how does he know to call Sawyer, "James"?

Joia Poort said...

John Locke's wheelchair is really old school. No-one confined to a wheelchair who had the ability to maneuver one, would be in the hospital push kind.

What's up with Hugo owning Locke's company?