Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Episode 608 - Recon

- Wow, this is interesting! Sawyer might be working w/ the cops. Either that, or he has another, deeper con--nope, he's really a cop

- and woah! They call him Le'Flur and Miles is working for him! That's an interesting parallel!

----- 1st Break

- squirrel baby is CREAPY!

- Nice how anti-Jacob tells everyone that "the black smoke" killed everyone and leaves out the part where HE'S the black smoke!

- Ha! Sideways Sawyer is looking for the guy who killed his parents! "Anthony Cooper"

- Hmm, so why does anti-Jacob actually tell Sawyer the truth about being the black smoke?

- And how is it that Sawyer doesn't notice that anti-Jacob is lying to him about the plane as the way to get off of the island?

-----Break #2

- Ooooo, they brought Charlotte back! Very interesting

- Wow, that's some first date! Do we think we can trust her?

- I'm sorry, but I think it's Charlotte's fault for looking thru Sawyer's stuff

- I really don't understand the anti-Locke; why is he protecting Kate? Does he still want/need her for something? HE'S the one who told Claire that the other's took Aaron in the first place.

- I wonder if the anti-Jacob can't get off the first island and can't even go to the hydra island...

- I also wonder if the dead pile of people on the Hydra island are dead because they got "sick" too

-----Break #3

- Hey! That's Charlie's brother! They included Charlie w/o actually including him. :)

- I know what he was doing in Australia! He was looking for the guy who killed his parents!

- I don't believe this chick w/the glasses. I think SHE killed everyone, just like Ruseau did

- Nice, Sawyer, nice. Way to figure her out! :)

-----Break #4

- Anti-Jacob knows that he doesn't have Kate's trust yet, and he's willing to take the time to 'win her over' so he can use her to his advantage

- They're putting up a fence again - and it's Widmore!

- Is Sawyer telling the truth? Probably: he sure seems to be very specific on the conditions of their agreement, so I think he sees Widmore as a better, more reliable way off the island for him and the people he cares about

-----Break #5

- So much for Sawyer holding up his end of the deal. I have to think that Sawyer has a bigger plan than just following anti-Jacob, he must have a bigger con in the works

- If a "deal's a deal" then what about the deal he made w/ Widmore?

- Who's in the car...who's running from the cops?

- Kate! Interesting...I wonder what they're interactions will be like in the alternate/parallel reality...

- HA, I told you he had a plan, making a solution for himself and Kate (and probably others as well)

This episode was alright. It wasn't as enjoyable as last week, but I enjoyed it and I do feel like there's a direction. I'm also REALLY looking forward to next week, since it's supposed to be all about Richard Alpert! From what I've heard, it's a really good episode! Can't wait.

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