Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Episode 613 - The Last Recruit

- This should be interesting, Jack and anti-Jacob talking.  Hmmm...

- And I certainly wouldn't want to talk to the smoke monster alone?!

- Duh, I knew that (Jack's father) was the anti-Jacob!  But I guess that's what we officially know now

- Jack doesn't ask the one question we actually want to know about having everyone on the plane to get off the island: WHY does it have to be them all?

- Wait, how does Clair know that they are brother/sister?  Did anti-Jacob tell her?

- What is it about "talking to" the anti-Jacob that makes it the end of the argument?  And btw, I don't fully buy that it really is beyond their choice (interesting, it's the free will vs destiny/fate debate again)

-----Break #1

-YES!  STAR WARS REFERENCE!  Yet another reason why this show is so great.

- I don't like anti-Jacob; his fake smile, with the evil lying just beneath the surface

- Huh, interesting point that Sawyer, a COP, didn't say anything about seeing Kate in handcuffs

- And the connections in the sideways continue...Kate & Sawyer, Sun & Locke, and now Sayid

- Funny how she gives anti-Jacob the same ultimatum he gave to everyone on the temple: until nightfall (sundown)

- Hmm, I'll bet anti-Jacob things she's bluffing

-----Break #2

- Oooo, interesting how we have a connection with Ilana.  I didn't really expect to see that type of a connection.  And did Desmond know this connection somehow?  Is this how Claire's going to have her flash of the real world?

- Ok, so this is Sawyer trying to take care of Kate...and now he's trying to help Jack and the others; He is yet again showing how much he's changed

- Ok, but Desmond's already dead, so Sayid can't kill him...I wonder if anti-Jacob is going to use that as an excuse to attack the Widmore camp.  Maybe he'll claim that they took back Desmond on their own, maybe even that they stole something or kidnapped him or something like that to rally the troops against Widmore

-----Break #3

- Oh, that's surprising.  I guess I assumed he fell farther than that.

- Kate, who has lied for what seems like her whole life, is now worried about breaking a promise to/about Claire.  Interesting switch

- So revealing.  "He's the only one who didn't abandon me" which is Claire talking about anti-Jacob.  It's a similar idea to what Ben expressed about going to be with anti-Jacob.  It's totally true, that often people pick someone or a group to belong to because they are who accepts them, no other good reason

- Is it possible that Claire's crazy can be broken?

-----Break #4

- Oh, I'm stupid, that's the connection between Iliana and Claire

- Good point, Jack.  I never thought about not really wanting to get off the island because anti-Jacob DOES want them to get off.

- In some ways, this is a role reversal between Jack and Sawyer here, where Sawyer's in charge, and Jack jumps out (of the boat vs the helicopter) and stays on the island.  Quite interesting

-----Beak #5

- Is Jack going to be working on Locke?

- HA!  I'm right!

- That's some swim Jack just did

- Uh oh, and anti-Jacob's there to meet him.  That can't be a good thing

- SUN & JIN!!!!!!!!!

- Sun & Jin's story is such a great story of redemption and restoration

- I'm convinced anti-Jacob is saving Jack for purely selfish reasons.  No question.

And no, Jack is NOT with anti-Jacob, he just happens to physically be there at the moment.  But he doesn't trust anti-Jacob any more than he has in the past.  That's clear from Jack's discussion with Sawyer on the boat before he jumped off.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Episode 612 - Everybody Loves Hugo

I'm excited for a Hurley episode (based on the episode title, I'm assuming that)

- The narrator is Piere Chang!  I'd recognize that voice anywhere!

- Mom want's Hugo to get a gf...maybe the return of Libby?!

- The whispers!! I'm so right.  It's totally a transportation device! -- Except, that I think Michael's supposed to be dead since he was in the freighter right by the bomb.  Hmm...

----- Break #1

- Libby!!!!

- aaand she's still in the mental hospital.  But Hurley isn't?  Or maybe we just don't know it yet

- Oh!  That was unexpected.  Definitely didn't expect her to blow up!

- Hey, did you notice that Kate called Sawyer Sawyer and not James?  She hasn't done it in a while

- Interesting development for Sayid to have abducted Desmond.  Yet Desmond doesn't seem that worried.  I wonder if he feels like he knows what's going to happen/needs to do

----- Break #2

- Why the change Hurley?  Is he planning a bait and switch or something?

- I'm really facinated by the whole Desmond angle.  It really makes the flash sideways much more interesting! And of course, number 42.  : )

- Does Desmond really still think anti-Jacob is Locke?

- Oh Hurley!  That's awesome!  Way to blow up ALL the dynamite.  : )

----- Break #3

- So the real question now is, are they actually going to be able to go on the date, or, because the realities are connected, will they be thwarted

- Ok, but if they go to talk to "Locke," then he'll have all the Oceanic 6 together and he'll be able to get off the island

- So is Hurley bluffing?  I think he is.  I'm also not convinced that Michael is reliable as a dead guy.  Because there was the whispers, it makes me wonder if it was actually from anti-Jacob somehow.  I have no idea how, but maybe?  Its just doubtful to me

----- Break #4

- Whispers!!  Do we get to find out what they are?!?!

- Hmmm, I'm not sure that fits.  Dead people who are stuck on the island who can't move on.  I guess it fits that then people appear.  But Walt isn't dead and he appeared after the whispers, so that doesn't fit!

- Ok, they DO get their date

- !!  Hurley got the flashes!  So we're going to need to get all the LOSTies to get the flashes.  What happens once they do?

- Nice job Desmond, nice job.

----- Break #5

- Is this the same well that the real Locke went down right before he got off the island?  It was a very different looking area previously

- anti-Locke is a meany-pants

- I wonder if Desmond is actually dead.  And can he be dead in one reality but not the other?  'Cause he's already on his mission in the flash sideways

- oop I guess that answers that questions.  : )

- ooooo, so then Locke had the flash, I think we're supposed to assume

And can I just say, I really DON'T like anti-Locke?  Is this the first time Jack has seen anti-Jacob as "alive Locke"?  Does Jack know that anti-Jacob isn't actually Locke?  I can't remember anymore!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Episode 611 - Happily Ever After

- Haha, I can't blame Desmond for being so angry and Widmore for bringing him back to the island, which was basically a prison for him for years

- Oh!  Is that the box that can bring anything you want come out of it?!

- Uh, does it LOOK like they're ready stupid?!

----- Break #1

- I believe Widmore on this one.  I don't think he's really out to hurt Desmond on this one.  Probably not looking out for his best, but I don't think he wants to hurt Desmond

- See, Desmond has a 6th sense about things.

- Hmm, Minkowski!  He's the guy who was the communication person on the freighter, working for Widmore.  I wonder if he works for Widmore now too

- My guess is Widmore is "the boss"

- And I was right.  :)

----- Break #2

- Widmore is Charlie's dad?  Something about this doesn't quite make sense.  I must be missing something.

- But does that mean we're going to see Charlie this episode?!

- Now that's a flip; in the flash sideways he actually gets to drink it, as opposed to never being good enough to drink it in the "real world"


- Mmmm, Charlie is talking about Claire, even if he doesn't know it here in this flash sideways

- Charlie's trying to drown, just like in the original timeline.  And Desmond's with him same as the original timeline as well.  There are some really good, strong parallels in this episode...like that hand thing

----- Break #3

- Oh, I get it.  Desmond is the link between the 2 different realities: the "it worked" and "it didn't work" realities that we've seen; Desmond is the link between these, just like he's been the link between different times

- While this flash sideways is probably the most interesting of them so far, I'd still rather know what's going on with the "real" timeline.  I hope this episode doesn't stay in the flash sideways the whole time!

----- Break #4

- We knew this, right?  Somehow I think I knew that what's her name - Eloise - was Widmore's wife.

- Even in the flash sideways, Eloise knows what's going on at a deeper level than anyone else we've seen

- And the guy at the piano, he's the son, and it's Faraday, of course.  He's the one who wants to play with Driveshaft

- Ok, but, how is he Daniel WIDMORE, instead of Faraday?  Oh, right, because Eloise Hawking, is now married to Widmore, so Farady, sorry, Daniel, must have changed his name when his mom, Eloise, married Widmore

----- Break #5

- At the stadium!  It's all going back to the stadium!

- I wonder if Desmond getting taken by Sayid is actually part of Widmore's plan...

  Ok, now I feel like we're moving in a direction, moving towards the end.  Desmond in the flash sideways is going to try to get everyone from the flight to recognize that it's different.  I don't know what happens when they do, but I think something significant will happen.  I like this, partially because it's a direction, but also because it tends towards my thought that the flash sideways isn't the "real" way it happened. which I prefer.  :)

Episode 610 - The Package

Sorry I don't have that detailed of a post here, but I was in San Francisco last Tuesday when the episoded aired and didn't watch it until late Saturday night, and I didn't feel up to watching and blogging, so I decided to just enjoy the episode.  Here are a few over-arching thoughts from the episode...

- I enjoyed the story of Jin & Sun in the "flash sideways" mostly because it helped tie some info together about why Jin was in the freezer and how it was related to Sayid's sideways story.  Not that I care all that much about the flash sideways story, but I do like the connection.

- While I think it's a bit silly that Desmond is "the package," I am excited that he's back in an episode now!  I've missed Desmond, brotha', and I'm glad he's back.  Here's hoping we'll get an episode (maybe tonight?) about Desmond and what he's up to these days

- Speaking of Desmond, I wonder if his ability to sorta' disconnect from time is related to why he's "the package" and if it makes him special in some way, especially as it relates to the island.  We've already seen time as an issue on the island, mostly in season 4, and Desmond's ability to move around in it (though mentally) might be important

- I'm super proud of Sun for not going with anti-Jacob, even when he promises her the chance to get together with Jin again.  As she tells Jack that she doesn't trust anti-Jacob, I'm super proud of her.  That takes alot of will power and commitment to stick to her convictions, even though it might decrease her chances of reuniting with Jin

- That being said, Jack never should have PROMISED to get Sun back to Jin and to get them off the island.  He doesn't have that power!  I could see that as being something that gets Jack in trouble at the end of the series (you know, just just a few more weeks!)

Ok, those are my thoughts for now.  I gotta' get set up and ready for tonight's episode!