Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Episode 609 - Ab Aeterno

I'm going to be totally honest (as opposed to all those other times when I lie to you all): I'm really excited for this episode! It's supposed to be all about Richard Alpert, according to the actor who plays him. Also, according to that actor, it's a really good episode. I'm really hopeful and looking forward to getting some really interesting info tonight!

- NO! They are not in hell, that's stupid. I don't actually think that Richard is right. I think he's just mad and disappointed and running to the anti-Jacob for answers. Nope, I don't believe it

-----Break #1

- Who's Hurley talking to in spanish? Any family member?

- Lapidas, funny joke: "How in hell do you think that happened" referring to Richard not aging...right after he said that they were all dead and in hell. Funny joke!

- Ok, so since Richard is hispanic, perhaps Hurley was talking to someone related to him...could be either

- Great theology guys. You know it's not grace if you can do something to get rid of it. Then it's earned. Cummon!

-----Break #2

- Whitfield, hmmm, I wonder if he's at all related to Widmore?

- HANSO! He's the family that's connected to the Island from long time ago, back w/ the auction that Widmore goes to, and Edgar Hallowax mentions his name in one of the orientation videos


- And that's how the black rock made it into the jungle; a title wave of some kind

- I wonder if the captain guy is infected...or maybe just selfish

- What's with the white flashes, and why does the anti-Jacob/smoke monster leave Richard alive? Is it part of his big, long-range plan for the "now" to have Richard run to him instead of fulfilling Jacob's original plans?

- Oh, and, officially, this is the best episode of the season so far, and we're only half thru!

-----Break #3

- Gross! Bohr eating dead person!

- Ok, I'm confused w/ his wife. How could she have been there? It can't be hell, since our Oceanic 6 could get off the island. I think that the flashes are how the smoke monster reads people's thoughts and can know everything about them, including who to become to properly manipulate them

- The return of the anti-Jacob (original)! I still think that somehow the anti-Jacob became Isabelle or somehow manipulated Richard thru her to convince him to help him get off the island. As well as having the keys "found" on an officer outside, when it's more likely he took them when he killed them. The one piece I can't put together is how the anti-Jacob could be Isabella and the smoke monster at the same time...I'm still missing something

-----Break #4

- What the anti-Jacob is telling Richard about killing him before he speaks is the same thing the Temple Master told Sayid about killing anti-Jacob (Locke)

- We've not seen angry Jacob before!

- This is a great episode!

-----Break #5

- So that's why Richard never ages

- The philosophy espoused by Jacob here is very interesting. The island is "the cork" keeping the evil at bay. But it's the island, not Jacob. Also, anti-Jacob believes everyone is innately evil, which is true, while Jacob believes that's not true and is trying to prove him wrong (but apparently can't, since everyone's died). This also harkens back to the end of season 5 when we first met Jacob & anti-Jacob and Jacob told anti-Jacob that it's not over yet...something like it's not over till it's over.

- That's who Hurley was talking to in the beginning of the episode!

- Sooner than you think? Why did anti-Jacob say that? When does he see him "sooner?"

LAME! So blogger just lost the last 2 paragraphs I was writing. So the jist of it was: this episode was good, I'm hoping for other good ones. Also, I'll be gone next week in San Fransisco on a mission trip, so you'll have to wait until the weekend to hear my thoughts (and I'll have to wait to see it until I get back too!).

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Episode 608 - Recon

- Wow, this is interesting! Sawyer might be working w/ the cops. Either that, or he has another, deeper con--nope, he's really a cop

- and woah! They call him Le'Flur and Miles is working for him! That's an interesting parallel!

----- 1st Break

- squirrel baby is CREAPY!

- Nice how anti-Jacob tells everyone that "the black smoke" killed everyone and leaves out the part where HE'S the black smoke!

- Ha! Sideways Sawyer is looking for the guy who killed his parents! "Anthony Cooper"

- Hmm, so why does anti-Jacob actually tell Sawyer the truth about being the black smoke?

- And how is it that Sawyer doesn't notice that anti-Jacob is lying to him about the plane as the way to get off of the island?

-----Break #2

- Ooooo, they brought Charlotte back! Very interesting

- Wow, that's some first date! Do we think we can trust her?

- I'm sorry, but I think it's Charlotte's fault for looking thru Sawyer's stuff

- I really don't understand the anti-Locke; why is he protecting Kate? Does he still want/need her for something? HE'S the one who told Claire that the other's took Aaron in the first place.

- I wonder if the anti-Jacob can't get off the first island and can't even go to the hydra island...

- I also wonder if the dead pile of people on the Hydra island are dead because they got "sick" too

-----Break #3

- Hey! That's Charlie's brother! They included Charlie w/o actually including him. :)

- I know what he was doing in Australia! He was looking for the guy who killed his parents!

- I don't believe this chick w/the glasses. I think SHE killed everyone, just like Ruseau did

- Nice, Sawyer, nice. Way to figure her out! :)

-----Break #4

- Anti-Jacob knows that he doesn't have Kate's trust yet, and he's willing to take the time to 'win her over' so he can use her to his advantage

- They're putting up a fence again - and it's Widmore!

- Is Sawyer telling the truth? Probably: he sure seems to be very specific on the conditions of their agreement, so I think he sees Widmore as a better, more reliable way off the island for him and the people he cares about

-----Break #5

- So much for Sawyer holding up his end of the deal. I have to think that Sawyer has a bigger plan than just following anti-Jacob, he must have a bigger con in the works

- If a "deal's a deal" then what about the deal he made w/ Widmore?

- Who's in the car...who's running from the cops?

- Kate! Interesting...I wonder what they're interactions will be like in the alternate/parallel reality...

- HA, I told you he had a plan, making a solution for himself and Kate (and probably others as well)

This episode was alright. It wasn't as enjoyable as last week, but I enjoyed it and I do feel like there's a direction. I'm also REALLY looking forward to next week, since it's supposed to be all about Richard Alpert! From what I've heard, it's a really good episode! Can't wait.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Episode 607 - Dr. Linus

A few starting thoughts:
- First, for some odd reason, even though I've been disappointed with this season, I still really want to see each episode on the night it's on. I guess I keep hoping it will start to get back to what it should be
- Second, even though I don't really have alot to go on w/ this, I think that ultimately, Sawyer will be the replacement for Jacob. I was talking to someone about it today and she's hoping it'll be Jack because she wants Kate & Sawyer to get together, but I still think Sawyer's more likely: he's the most dynamic character in the whole show, shows care for others/selflessness, loves and cares deeply, and doesn't have any ties to life off the island. I could totally be wrong, but that's what I think for now...

- Ok, so Arnzt ('dude, you've got Arntz on you) the science teacher should know that we don't use formaldehyde anymore since it's TOXIC!!

- I should probably feel bad for Ben, but I don't, since all this is really his own fault! He's going to get what he deserves.

- Interesting, however, that Ben isn't able to lie or manipulate his way out of this one; he only denies it. He must be totally out of his element and off balance here!

----- Commercial Break #1

- Huh, I guess that makes sense that Ben's dad is still alive since they were never on the island. But why on earth would Ben choose to live with his dad, I wonder?

- HOLD ON: they were on the island, which means that somehow they got off before the explosion, or at least before it sank, however that happened.

- Umm, as a teacher, it's CREEPY that Alex, Ben's student, came to him AT HOME!

- The Chosen! I saw that book in Sawyer's tent that Ben's going over. Besides the obvious reference to Jacob's replacement, I read that book sophomore year of high school. I liked it so much I read the sequel on my own.

----- Commercial Break #2

- Umm, I'm sorry, but a teacher can't make that type of promise. If there's something inappropriate going on, especially in relation to students, we are LEAGALLY OBLIGATED to NOT keep it a secret

- Apparently Richard doesn't trust Jacob anymore. The anti-Jacob has successfully inserted doubt into his mind. I wonder if he's going to be able to kill himself.

----- Commercial #3

- For an "outdated" lab, that science lab sure looks modern to me...just saying

- And...it doesn't work this way! You can't just become a principal. You have to be certified and a whole bunch of other things.

- Woah, did Richard arrive at the island on the Black Rock? Maybe he was a prisoner?

- So apparently Richard has some of the same rules that Jacob & anti-Jacob have; he can't die/kill himself, but someone else can kill him

----- Commercial Break #4

- Wow, now Jack's the one w/ the faith! Look at that!

- Where's "where we started?"

- I'm not convinced that the anti-Jacob is really going to come thru on all his promises, yet he is persuasive, isn't he?

- Ok, Ben, if you're a thinking guy, you back off now, but then after he writes the recommendation, then force the issue and get his job (I guess I'm not that nice a guy either, huh?)

- Brutal honesty from Ben: the only thing that mattered to him, his power. That's the truest thing he's ever said

- "Because he's the only one who'll have me" is an idea that is so often used against Christians...and unfortunately it's true.

----- Commercial #5

- I do have to say, I'm really thankful that I don't work for an administer as horrible as the one portrayed here! I really have a good principal.

- Way to go Ben! He's actually making a good decision for the first time in his life! It doesn't make up for everything that he's done, but it's nice to see him try to change (We'll see how long it lasts)

- Widmore! I called it! (just now, you didn't hear it because you weren't here sitting with me...since I"m watching this all by myself)

Alright, so I would call this "the episode of hope" for several reasons. First off, because we're seeing hope. Hope for Ben, hope for change, hope for Richard, hope for Jack. It just has hope. And second, this episode is the first one this season that gives me hope that maybe the season isn't totally ruined. I actually enjoyed this. I felt like there were a few more interesting developments, both with Ben and with Richard. No, we didn't get many answers, but I did feel like we made progress; things changed in a direction, even though I don't know yet what that direction is.

I'm not disappointed by this episode. I'm not totally stoked either, but at least I'm not disappointed. It's progress. :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Episode 606 - Sundown

Here we go...

-Looks like we get to see Sayid's alternate/parallel reality

- Hmm, a scale of good and evil. Sounds like a works-based philosophy. Is that Buddism? I'm not up on my eastern religions

- Woah, the temple master has some moves!

- Umm, confused. What's the significance of the baseball? Why does temple master care so much about it and why does it's falling on the ground stop him from killing Sayid?

------ First Commercial Break

- Is the flash sideways supposed to show us the "good vs bad" in Sayid? Otherwise, I don't much care, to be honest. Still not that interested in the flash sideways' stories.

- How is killing someone a demonstration of good? I'm sorry, but that's messed up morality right there.

------- Second Commercial Break

- LOL Miles totally called it: "Sawyer sent you packing, huh?" Love it

- Hah, like how all the animals stop making any noise when the anti-Jacob is on his way/near?

- Umm, so stabbing the anti-Jacob doesn't seem to be helpful at all. And why on Earth would the temple master ask Sayid to do it when I'm SURE he knew it wouldn't work? This is just frustrating...

-------- Third Commercial Break

- Nice, Sayid, noticing that anti-Jacob is just as manipulative as the temple master

-------- Fourth Commercial Break

- Kimi. That's not a good sign at all. And I think I've seen the other foreign guy before. Maybe he was the restaurant owner w/ the lady who he tortured in prison w/ the cat.

- I have to admit, it's nice to see Kimi not so arrogant and bossy and in control.

- JIN! So is the guy that Sayid's brother borrowed money from Mr. Paik?

--------- Fifth Commercial Break

- Ok, so somehow the temple master could also keep the anti-Jacob out. I'll be honest, I'm really curious what all these "rules" are that allow for keeping the anti-Jacob at bay.

- I'm confused. Why hasn't Claire let Kate get killed or killed her herself? I thought she was super angry that Kate took Aaron?

In case you're wondering, I'm still disappointed. This episode has kept with the same theme of "no useful information, just more questions." Yes, there are some things that are happening, but nothing that really helps or carries things forward. I feel like right now the show is really stagnant with us, the audience, having about the same amount of information since the beginning of the season. I'm losing interest and am actually getting annoyed with the lack of progress in the show right now.

Yes, I know this is LOST and we're not supposed to get answers and all, but they really made me think we'd actually get them last season, because they DID actually give answers! Now we have the whole Jacob vs anti-Jacob thing that was just introduced and the end of last season, and I get that they need to develop that a bit, but can't they do that while proving us answers? Or at least giving us some idea where we're headed and going? I have no idea what's happening and feel aimless, which doesn't give me much of a driving desire to see the next episode.

I mean, take the ending of this episode. Ok, so anti-Jacob killed a bunch of people. Jacob's dead. Yes, there's a band of people who escaped, but they are minor characters and I don't really care what happens to them; there's nothing driving about them. Sun's the only one of interest, but the only thing interesting about her is Jin, and they're separated, so no connection there. And Kate's w/ the anti-Jacob group, probably not because she really wants to be there, but so what? She's going to look out for herself as always, so I don't expect much there either.

All that to say, I'm not happy with this season. So there you go, my thoughts.