Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Episode 605 - Lighthouse

Alright, here's hoping for a really good episode. Before it begins, here's a thought I had this week:
With Desmond & Penny...if in the flash sideways the island is sunk, its possible that Charles Widmore either died on the island or wasn't ever even on the island, which would change his relation to Penny, changing her relation to Desmond, possible preventing the two of them from ever meeting! My original thought was that Desmond never got shipwrecked on the island, but then I realized that he might not have gone on the boat race to prove his worthy-ness to Penny's dad in the first place, and back I went, realizing how very different the whole situation could be. I really have no idea, I'm just wondering.

Ok, now to tonight's episode:

- Jack has a son in the parallel reality? David? I wonder why. Quite interesting.

- "Everything is an option, but I'd have to stop you" I think that's the free will/desitny theme again, summed up well

- Oooo, tic tac toe, "tie again" probably a symbol/representation of the good versus evil struggle between Jacob and anti-Jacob

- I don't really understand how Jacob can be dead and yet not really be dead and can talk w/ Hurley

--- Commercial break #1

- I'll be honest, I don't see Jack as a father-figure

- YEA Star Was reference! Another reason I love this show! :)

--- Commercial break #2

- And I don't really have anything useful to say here...other than I'm kinda' bored, which is a real let-down. What's the deal LOST? This is the final season and it's supposed to be super exciting and we're supposed to know what's going on, not getting bored.

--- Commercial break #3

- I feel like the part of the jungle Hurley & Jack are walking thru right now is a part we haven't really seen before. The plants look different, and the trees...they're not the same color. Yes, I'm probably crazy. That's ok, I'm used to it

- Hmm, so is Claire now going to try to kill Kate because she thinks she kidnapped Aaron? Not looking good for Kate, especially considering that she still just killed the Other guy

---- Commercial break #4

- 108, isn't that one of the numbers

- What's w/ those names...and the reflections in the mirrors?! That's crazy!! So the numbers correspond to degrees. Measured from what, I wonder? What's zero?

- Smashing the mirrors...that can't be good. Unless Jacob is really even more of a master-mind than I think and the reason he wanted Jack to go up there so that he WOULD smash the mirrors...I don't think that's it, but I'm not sure

--- Commercial break #5

- Well, I guess i was wrong. Jacob DID want Jack to smash the mirrors (or at least to see what was in them). He IS as big of a mastermind as I wasn't sure he was. So why don't I hate him like I hate Ben for being a manipulator?

My overall feeling about this episode is that it has some interesting parts, especially in the last quarter, but most of it wasn't that interesting, and all in all, I'm not super excited about this season. It's really going to need to take a turn to finish out the show well. I'm starting to get...concerned. Not worried yet, there's still time for things to turn around, but there is definite concern.

- So right now we're supposed to think that Claire is the "bad person"...or maybe the anti-jacob

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Episode 604 - The Substitute

Here's hoping this episode gives more answers than questions, unlike the last episode...

- Woah! John may still be in a wheel chair, but he's w/ his old gf now! I wonder what happened differently...

- And why on earth would John want his dad to be at the wedding like Helen suggested? Maybe his dad didn't steal his kidney and he broke his back for some other reason?

- OOOOOO! We're seeing things from the smoke monster's perspective! Super cool!

- Anti-Jacob is doing the same thing Satan did in the garden: planting doubt in Richard's mind about Jacob & his intentions, lying/concealing things from him.

- Hmmm, interesting that the anti-Jacob saw the weird kid...even he can see things on the island. That implies that he's not in control of what happens on the island.

- I wonder if the kid is little Jacob, young Jacob. Nope, I guess not, since the kid says "him" yet interesting about the rules and also the same line "don't tell me what I can't do" coming from the anti-Jacob instead of Locke, even though Locke said that all the time. Maybe that's one of the reasons that the anti-Jacob picked Locke

- Hmmm, I wonder of they'd actually kill Sawyer. SOOO many fans will be outrageous if that actually happens

- ROSE! I love Rose and I love seeing many of these new connections. It is reminiscent of season 1 when we saw all these connections of our characters

- Wow, this anti-Jacob is as good if not better of a manipulator as Ben!

- Oh! Now that's interesting, the anti-Jacob can't change his appearance anymore and he's 'stuck this way'. I wonder if that's part of the "rules"

- How weird is this, that Ben is speaking over Locke, the guy he killed. --- HAHA Lapidis totally agrees w/ me. :)

- Ok, so was Sawyer's fall all orchestrated by the anti-Jacob to make Sawyer trust him, I wonder?

- The names on the rock doesn't explain anything! Its just a list of names, just like the list that Ben got from Jacob. Not an explanation at all

- Ben as a teacher?! BOOOO!

- Ok, so the numbers next to the names are "the numbers"

- Candidate to take over for Jacob, huh? To protect the island from the anti-Jacob, of course!

- Interesting point brought up by my sister and friend: Kate's name wasn't on the rock. I wonder what that means. Jacob did come to her, we saw it at the end of last season. Does that mean she's the one? Or maybe that Jacob had something else in mind for her? Or someplace else where he actually did stuff?

- And now Sawyer's apparently joined the anti-Jacob. I wonder what that means and what that's going to lead to. LOST is always about "sides", typified by the light/dark motif (the "inside joke"), and once again we have sides being picked, w/ Sawyer moving to the dark side, at least for now.

This episode was more interesting than the last one, I think, though I still wish we were getting more answers than we're getting. And, as I predicted today at work, we didn't see a thing about Claire; we'll have to wait until some other episode, maybe next week, maybe longer. Ah well. At least this one felt like it was advancing the story I'm already locked into as opposed to developing a new line (the temple stuff).

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Episode 603 - What Kate Does

Before we begin, I'm currently re-watching episode 602, the enhanced version, and I have one fairly big question I didn't have/notice the first time through: How/why can the smoke monster (who we now know is the anti-Jacob) be in the temple if that's the hold-out of the Others? I mean, we saw Ben encounter the smoke monster underneath the temple when he saw "Alex", and when Jin first runs in to the temple its because the guy from the French research team gets pulled under thru the tunnel that our heroes enter using. I don't quite get it, unless the anti-Jacob hangs out under the temple, but can't get inside...

Now, on to the new episode!

-Hmm, Sawyer telling Kate not to come after him is remenicent of when Jack told Kate to leave in Season 3 and told her not to come back for him. She didn't listen then, why should we think she'll listen this time?

- I think I know what the test they put Sayid thru was: they wanted to see if he was inhabited by the smoke monster. Oh gosh, but he didn't pass...I wonder why. Maybe he is inhabited by Jacob somehow? We know it's not the anti-Jacob since he was still Locke. (I think).

Oh, and the other reason I think they tortured Sayid is because he was a torturer, though I don't think that's actually their intention, just the "poetic justice" type of thing w/ the story.

- I don't know if I believe the Temple Master (as I'm calling the asian guy) about Sayid being infected or not. I don't think he's the smoke monster, but I could be wrong. Now that I know they are Jacob's followers, I'm inclined to believe and trust them, but there's still a twinge of doubt in the back of my mind...

- Oh yeah, and w/ Kate and Jin in the jungle, w/ the Others w/ them, the Others made some mention of Ruseau being dead for years...was she ever the smoke monster?

-Ok, so if there's poison in the pill, that probably means that they think Sayid is the anti-Jacob. I'm still not sure myself it his is, but it seems to be what the Others think

-NO!! That's what happened to Claire! Jack doesn't know that Claire's his sister...well, I guess he'll know now.

- And Claire's back, but now we know that she's taken by the anti-Jacob somehow...not good. So when did she die? And can the anti-Jacob be more than one person at a time? He'd have to be able to to be Locke and Sayid and Claire all at once...I have no idea how that works

In conclusion, it seems we're now into the mythology of season 6; each season has its own set of ideas and concepts that are introduced, and this season's are the Jacob/anti-Jacob thing. We're not really getting any new answers or parts of the story during this episode, but it was interesting none the less. Though personally, I was much less interested in the "flash sideways" with Claire and Kate, I really want to know what's happening on the island itself! Oh well, until next week!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Episode 601 & 602 - LA X

I'm going to be entering my thoughts stream-of-consciousness type, so it may or may not make sense.

I'm watching the recap pre-show and can't wait for this whole thing to start!


So I wonder if the re-shot this, or of they took original footage from the first season (back on the plane is when I'm talking about).

So it changed. To be honnest, I'm kinda' disappointed. In that case, I'm expecting this season to be all about how the universe "course corrects" whatever that happens to look like.

WAIT?! Desmond is on the plane?! How can that be? EVERYTHING in the timeline has changed?! For real? That's totally unexpected!

The island is under water?! And I swear that was the DHARMA shark I saw under the water. Didn't you see the DHARMA logo on the tail?

Ok, so if the island is under water and sank, what does that mean? So now what? No Ben, Desmond never crashed there. But what about Jacob? Is he alive or dead? Does he have any effect anymore? Is there anything that can be done to "undo" the change that was done? What about the 'course corrections"?

There must some some enduring effects, like the cut on Jack's neck...

I'm CONFUSED! Was Jack's thing a dream?! I'm feeling much better now than I did at the start. :)

Ok, back to confused again. :) So is this like parallel dimensions or something? Two possible futures? Are we going to see them merge at some point? This is a much more interesting episode now that it's confusing again.

Sawyer could be thinking about conning Hurley...yet Hurley is lucky in the alternate universe.

So Jacob is "gone" which fits w/ my wondering if he's actually dead or not.

The Temple!! I'm super excited to see more about the Temple!

THAT WAS SO SHORT! THAT'S SO STUPID!! But I knew it was Charlie, though. :)

Jack saving Charlie's life is a mirror/parallel to when he saved him early on when he chased after Ethan when he was trying to take Claire.

The Smoke Monster! I KNEW it was the anti-Jacob guy! And now we know what the ash is for! it was around the cabin to protect Jacob from the smoke monster/anti-Jacob.

Wow, they really are getting everyone back for this episode; the voice of the pilot is the voice of the same guy who was the pilot in the "pilot" episode. Haha

Sad day for Locke, in the "alternate" future/past where they don't crash he still can't walk. :(

And my mom brings up a good point: we haven't seen Michael, Walt, or Claire...where are they?

I love Hurley "Well, this is gunna' be awesome"

Ok, we're hearing the whispers again...are we going to find out for sure what they are now?!

Huh, I guess it's an actual temple, then. They looked like they were dressed like monks too, like an actual religious organization of some kind. I'm really curious what's inside Hurley's guitar case too...

Another interesting parallel...they took young Ben to the temple when Sayid shot him, whereas now Sayid is at the temple himself...

LOOK! His head is bashed now just like it was on the plane earlier!

So Juliet's "dead words" are "It worked." My question is, how does she know that? And then this whole thing w/ Sayid and Jacob's message. Now that just re-affirms my suspicion that there's a way to "course-correct" and undo the changes. Maybe even a merging of the two separate timelines we're seeing right now.

I'm positive this is what they did to young Ben. And if I remember right, he was wet when he came out too. They said Ben wouldn''t be the same, this time, w/ Sayid, they said there were risks. I wonder if they are related.

This is the same as with Charlie, even down to what Kate is telling Jack, that he's not coming back.

There's Claire! Nice to see her after basically an entire season w/ a no show!

Ok, so where is "home" for this anti-Jacob?

My mom just made a good insight: the comment the anti-Jacob just made about everyone else not knowing that their lives off the island were really pathetic. That could be what that timeline is meant to show.

Ok, so Sayid is "alive" again, but is is Sayid, or is it Jacob? Maybe a way for Jacob to come back just like the anti-Jacob?

This was such a great episode, I'm super excited for the rest of the season/series!!