Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Episode 507 - The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham

  Ok, I missed the first few minutes, but I'll pick up where I came in...

- So Widmore found Locke when he arrives back, huh?  Interesting that he remembers Locke from when he came into their camp.

-  Interesting that both Widmore and Ben want Locke to bring everyone back to the island.  They are not on the same side, so they must both have different motives.  If I have to side w/ someone, I'd have to pick Widmore, but that's only because I know for sure how evil Ben is; I don't yet know how evil Widmore is.  :)

- Oooo, Locke has to be in a wheelchair again.  That's got to be really hard for him!

- Sayid's comment cuts to the core of Locke: having no one to come back to off the island.

- I feel lame about this, but didn't actually remember that the Matthew character (the guy from Fringe) was the one who told Locke to go on his walkabout.  I did remember that he was in the hospital and that he worked for Widmore, but not that crucial piece.  So glad this series is written so well!

- When Kate says "Look how far you've come," I'm not sure if she was being serious or sarcastic...sacasm makes the most sense, but her tone wasn't very sarcastic, at leas I didn't think.

- Ok, so I guess I picked the right side.  Ben, yet again, shows how incredibly evil he his.  For some reason he doesn't want Eloise to see Locke (or to have Locke see Eloise), so he kills him!  Right after he talking him out of killing himself.  That means that's an important bit of info, since it changes Ben's plan

-  I have to say, its not often I'm super confused, but the ending of this episode has definitely confused me.  So Locke's alive (which we knew from last week's trailer), and apparently everyone else from the plane also made it to the island, but now there's this other guy reading Dharma files...and I think I missed who is is from the beginning?  So Locke is alive again, but probably not in the same time that Jack & Co. are now in (70s, I think), but Ben (aka Mr. Evil) is there and injured and Locke remember's that he killed him

  Interesting things are afoot!  

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Episode 506 - 316

Oh my gosh I'm so excited!  I just watched episod 505 (last week's) in the enhansed version since there's no youth group tonight, so I'm super stoked for this week's episode!!!

- Oh, we're back to the very beginning of the whole show!  The first shot w/ Jack on the Island...except we're not.  Jack didn't go find Hurley drowning elsewhere on the island, he went to be beach.  Is this a dream?  An alternate reality?  Oh gosh!  No!  They actually made it back to the island!  Kate & Hurley are there, so I'm going to assume that they all are back, and now we have to find out how they all agreed to go back...

- Oooo, DHARMA symbol on the door Eloise opened under the church that leads to the pendulum chamber

- Called The Lamppost.  Interesting.  So we're still entangeled in the DHARMA Initiative.  I'm sooo loving this!!

- I wonder why they have to be on that one flight, not any others.  

- Ok, so how does Eloise know all this stuff?  My guess: "the man" she talked about who figured out how to get to the island was probably Dan, her son.  Although, I don't know how that works w/ his age and stuff, but since time isn't constant, that's less of a worry.  : )  It could also be Widmore, the "Marvin Candle" character, or someone else we don't know yet

- In a more intellectual level, I'm feeling like the end of Season 4 was the climax of the whole show, as now everything is a result of them leaving the island.  Could be wrong, but I could see that being the case

- How ironic that we see Ben in the position to make it look like he's praying.  He's the last character on the whole show that I'd expect to see genuinely praying

- Ok, so what happened to Aaron?  I thought Ben was the one who sent the laywer after him and therefore the laywer should have backed off.  Then again, maybe Ben still took Aaron, either to make sure Kate went back, or to keep him for himself, kinda' like w/ Alex

- So I wonder if Ben is "supposed" to go back or not.  I'm sure he's going to try, but I'm not sure that he should be included in the group that needs to go back to recreate the original situation (since he wasn't on the original flight).

- BTW: the airline they are supposed to be on to get back to the island is one that was mentioned in a previous episode this season when someone saw an artifact from that airline.  My guess is that, in all the time travel, at some point they group left on the island moved forward to after Jack & crew arrived back on the island again

- I do wonder, however, now that Locke has fixed the wheel that was causeing the time-skipping, what time did the island end up staying at?  IE when are all the people left on the island?

- Oh come one Jack, you gotta read the letter!! I want to know what it says!  I'll be that's the scrap of paper Jack had in his hand when he arrived back on the island at the beginning of the episode

- So, here's my hope: the plane doesn't actually crash, but rather the island magically gets all the right people from the plane onto the island, and that means Ben gets left on the plane w/ the other passengers he doesn't care about.  That would pretty much make my day!

- I really thought this whole season would just be about how they got back to the island.  Since they are back now, I guess I'm wrong

- Well, I guess I got the answer to my question about when the islanders are.  They are back w/ the DHARMA Initiative (I should have guessed that since we already saw Dan back in that time way back at the beginning of the season)

Have I ever mentioned that I love this show?!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Episode 505 - This Place is Death

-I want to know more about this smoke monster!  I can't believe people actually went down that hole after it!

-So, the smoke monster is in fact a security system, and its guarding the temple specifically.  I wonder if that's the same temple that Ben told the Others to go to at the end season 3 as they were preparing for the boat people to come...

-What's the deal w/ Charlotte speaking Korean?  That seems a bit too convienient for the plot problem of no one knowing how to fully communicate w/ Jin

-...althought it is incredibly funny that she also speaks Klingon.  : )

-Wow, Ben doesn't get angry very often.  I think this is only the 2nd time we've seen him genuinly angry.  That means he's either telling the truth about helping them, or he's an even amazingly good liar, even more amazingly good at it than I thought.  Then again, he might be angry not because of what he did to help them, but rather because they are keeping him from doing what he secretly is trying to accomplish

-This season definitly does have the feeling that we're getting more answers than new questions and that we're heading for some closure.  At least that's the feeling I'm getting overall, especially in this episode (probably w/ the revelation of Charlotte having grown up on the island and meeting Dan in the past!)

-Ok, so if Charlotte died on the island, does that mean she'll appear to someone else at some point like everyone else who's died on the island?  Or maybe...some other really good idea that I can't remember anymore

-Eloise Hawking...she must be the lady from Desmond's vision thing that was under the church.  But now, I'm wondering, why did Ben make sure HE was the one to move the island instead of Locke, who was supposed to move it (news to me, that's for sure)

- So, is the wheel that's "off its axis" the reason that everyone who's left on the island is skipping thru time, I wonder...

OH MY GOSH!!! They're just going to leave us hanging like that?!  
-Desmond knows the lady, Eloise, from his vision, but he hasn't said anything yet.  
-She's letting them go back w/o the rest of those who left, apparently, she seems to know more about this whole thing than even Ben does, and seems to be in charge of Ben, which is saying alot
-She's Dan's mother, which is crazy (though I think I guesed that as a posibility already) because its yet another way everyone's interconnected

Wow, even though this episode wasn't quite as exciting during the main portion of it, the last 5 minutes were amazingly great!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Episode 504 - The Little Prince

Ok, so I missed the first half, so I'll update those after I watch those tomorrow...

- So, those other guys w/ the boats that Locke & crew took, I wonder who they are. I'm gathering that we're now in the future. I would venture a guess that it's people somehow connected to Widmore, just 'cause he wants to get back. I am intrigued by the name of the Indian airline water bottle thing, though. Did another plane crash? Did they drop out of the sky? How did they find the island since it moved/is moving?

- Claire's mom is the one who's trying to get Aaron! How does she know its her granddaughter, I wonder? I would venture a guess that either Ben or Widmore is involved in her knowing somehow...

- Hmmm, so Claire's mom doesn't actually know, and the laywer is actually working for Ben. I knew it was conneted to Ben/Widmore somehow...

- Wait a minute...that was Jin. Is he still alive, or are we in the past somewhere? I originally thought that this was the french mission that Ruseau was on (and it may still be), but if that's the case, is this Jin in the past somehow, or is it Jin from the boat that blew up, but he didn't actually die, and he's moving thru time w/ the rest of everyone and that's how he got there?

- Ha! I was right, it is Ruseau!!

Now I need to go watch the first half that I missed and update w/ any other pieces of interest. Oh, and I have to go to work in the morning too.