Thursday, February 28, 2008

Episode 405

This post available for discussion on

Wow, yet another GREAT episode! So far season 4 is matching my interest and "hooked-ness" from season 2. I'm really enjoying this show, in case you haven't noticed. : ) Now for my thoughts from the episode:

- As much as I'd like to think I have the whole island time thing figured out, I just can't quite figure it out. Its probably because its not a constant like I'm trying to make it. Here's what we know:
-- the rocket from the boat is 31 minutes AHEAD of the island time
-- 1 day on the island is about 20 minutes via heilicopter

- The whole thing where Faraday tells Desmond to find him in the past, well, that just sealed it for me, LOST has been getting more scifi this season, and tonight's episode was TOTALLY scifi. Not that I mind, of course, but I think its interesting that such a mainstream show would go that scifi. I like it. : )

- We find out that Penny has been calling the boat, but no one's been allowed to answer. Why is she calling the boat? Does she know they are looking for the Island? Does she know where they are? She clearly knows who they are. I wonder if Charlie's comment to her asking if she was on the boat acutally instegated her calling the ship or something. Interesting twist...

- At the auction, the book/journal thing from the 1st mate of the Black Rock ship (which is located on the island, I'm sure you remember) was owned by the Hanso family. The guy who does all the Orientation Videos, you know his last name? That's right, Hanso. Interesting subtle connection to the Dharma Inititive.

- And I have to say, what's w/ Mr. Widmore not turning off the water in the bathroom w/ Desmond? That's just weird.

Again, many cool things in this episode, though less character things and more island and science-y things. But I'm ok w/ that. : ) Can't wait until next week!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Episode 404

For discussion, please go to the google group:

I don't know if its because I'm more tired or what, but the episode seemed a bit slower than the first 3 of the season. Be that as it may, by the end there were still several interesting points and questions raised!

- We find out partway thru that Kate has a baby, but the immediate question is: is it Sawyer's kid or not?

- Then, during Jack's testimony, we get to hear a bit about the lie the Oceanic 6 are telling everyone. But what I found the most interesting is that Jack said 8 people survived, not 6. So what happened to the other supposed 2? Does the story say that they died later, or was there something else that happened to the 6 besides surviving the crash that made them famous?

- Also during his testimony, Jake says he doesn't love Kate "any more". The question I asked myself at the time was whether or not that was true, and if so, what happened to change things. I think we got the answer later in the episode.

- Then there's the minor scene where Danny & Charlotte are doing the thing w/ the cards. I'm wondering if part of Danny's issues has to do with memories. Remember, back in the 1st episode, we found out (in the enhanced version) that the woman in the backgroud when we first see Danny is his caretaker, not his wife. I wonder if he has a disability or something and came to the island in hopes for healing?

- Why doesn't Jack want to see the baby? Does he feel guilty about something? Dose he disapprove? Is he jealous? All interesting questions, made even more interesting when we actually meet the baby...

- His name is Aaron! So he's either Claire's baby, in which case, what happened to Claire? We know, based on Desmond's vision, that she and Aaron get on the heilicopter, but does she die or have something else happen to her? Is it all part of Ben's icky plan that he's orchestrating? Or is it actually Kate's baby, but she named him Aaron for some other reason (I think this is less likely, but for LOST, still possible).

All in all, interesting issues that came up in this episode. The tide seems to be changing, and I think next week will lead to some new directions, even if not many more answers.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Episode 403

I think discussions will be best on the google group I created: , so please start going there, or let me know that the blog works better. Here's my thoughts on the latest episode:

Ok, I'm a little upset. I just finished typing this whole thing, then google tweaked out and I lost the whole post. I will attempt to re- write it all, but it might not be as good as the first time thru; sorry.

-The experiment Farady was running was very interesting to me. The clock that arrived from the ship ended up being off by 31 minutes. I didn't notice which one was ahead of the other, though I'd assume the island time was behind based on the fact that the rocket took longer to get to the island. So it seems the island has some time-altering effects, like time dilation or something.

-The time thing is interesting, since right before we see the clocks, Jack was talking to the heilicopter pilot about being on the island for 100 days. So it makes me think that its not really 100 days. If its time dilation, then that means that more time has passed off the island

-I'm realizing that this could explain why Richard (mascara man) doesn't really age from the Dahrma time to the "present". Also it could be related to why women can't have babies, maybe?
-And I must make the connection to the main guy on the ship who's named after the guy who came up with "spacetime" which totally connects to the stuff we're coming up with now too. This show is getting more and more science-y. I LOVE it!

-I totally predicted when Syid said "the day I trust Ben is the day I sell my soul" that he would of course be trusting Ben. It also fit that in the flash forwards it already appeared that he had sold his soul

-I think I was talking to Laura in the copy room, but I totally predicted that Ben was really in charge still. It fits. He's the one that Kate knew would know that she was gone when she met Jack at the airport (sorry, its not Sawyer).

-Who is "R.C." on Naomi's bracelett? And did you notice that the german gal Syid kills had one on too?

-BTW: I don't think that Desmond is one of the 6. Yes, he's on the heilicopter, but I really don't think he makes it off...unless he ends up dying.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

LOST Google Group

In addition to this blog, I've also started a google group. I'm not sure which ends up being easier, using this blog w/ comments, or the google group. The group has a Discussion feature that may be easier than comments, but you all tell me. Here's the link to the google group:

Let me know which one works best!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Episode 402

Not as much to say about this episode, but here goes...

- I think Sawyer is 100% right about Ben: he already knows how he's going to get the best of the group, especially Locke. Ben is a master manipluator, and one major way he does this is by controling information. He knows losts, and only doles it out when its advantageous for himself, like towards the end of this episode...

- Did any of you catch the literary reference? The lady from the heilicopter, her name is C-something Staples Lewis. C. S. Lewis. And C. S. Lewis' name in full was Clive Staples Lewis, so they are virtually the same thing. I wonder if there are any other connections there...

Overal I felt there were less interesting developments in this episode than in the last one. All the flashbacks were of characters we have no attachment to, so I think that made it less impactful. Some interesting info, but overall, not much new, not much development. I enjoyed 401 much more, even the second time around.

Episode 401

Here are some of my thoughts after re-watching the first episode of season 4 (it replayed tonight right before the second episode aired):

-Is Claire one of the "Oceanic 6"? I wonder this because in Desmond's vision of Charlie, he saw her getting into a heilicoper.

- Hurley saw Jacob! This has to be important. Not everyone saw him, and Ben is worried when John hears him, so that probably means Hurley has something special about him (other than being probably the coolest charater on the island)

- I think Locke was 'the eye' that Hurley saw in the window when looking into Jacob's cabin. I think Locke went back to talk to Jacob and knows more than we know he knows

- What on earth did Charlie mean when he appeared to Hurley and said he was "dead, but here?" Does that mean he's more than just a halucination of Hurley's?

- When the guy who comes to see Hurley and pretends to be a lawyer, he asks if "they" are alive. I originally assumed he was talking about the rest of Oceanic Flight 815, but I'm thinking he may very well be talking about another "they"

- I'm wondering if what causes all the problems we see in the flash forwards isn't directly those who come to the island, but somehow a result of the fact that the non-others split into two groups. That could explain why Hurley tells Jack that he should have stayed with Jack...

Welcome to LOST Season 4!

So I thought it'd be a cool idea to have a blog to put thoughts about the new season of LOST down. And here it is. I'll try to post after every episode, and I also welcome comments so we can get a good discussion going here. Have fun!