Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Episode 616 - What They Died For

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Ok, I have to be honest, I'm afraid that, at the end of this episode, I'm not going to be a very happy person.  Only good thing is we only have to wait until Sunday for the wrap-up.

- Alright, we're back in the flash-sideways

- Ooo, Desmond is still at work.  I wonder what he's going to do to get Jack and Claire to see the "real" timeline

- Ha, Jack is sewing up Kate, which parallels the pilot episode where Kate sewed up Jack from the plane crash

- And there's the focus for the rest of the series: Our people trying to kill anti-Jacob, anti-Jacob trying to kill our people

----- Break #1

- In a well, huh?  I wonder if this well is at all tied to the wells that we saw last week...

- There was Ben's connection to "reality"

- Oh!  I'm excited to see the connection to the secret room.  That's where Ben went to summon the smoke monster

- I wonder why Ben thinks that the smoke monster summoned him

----- Break #2

- I still think that Jack is currently set up to be Jacob's replacement, but it's interesting to think it might be Widmore

- Desmond is busy in this episode!  I wonder how he thinks he's going to get to Sawyer from in prison. -- Oh, nevermind, he's after Sayid and Kate!

- Why is Jacob showing up to Hurley as young Jacob?

- Wait, what?  Why would Jacob want his ashes to actually burn up so that he wouldn't be seen again?  Could it maybe be anti-Jacob taking the form of Jacob?  No, probably not because Kate didn't see him.

----- Break #3

- So much for Richard.  Not convinced he's actually dead yet, but possibly

- Right, once he leaves the island there won't be any island for Ben to be in charge of

- And clearly Ben's still angry/mad at anti-Jacob

- Rousseau!!  Yea, it's great to see her again!

- Whatever his word is worth.  Don't trust him Widmore!

- Yup, Ben's still angry.  And oh, it's clearly over Alex's death

- Ok, so much for Ben being redeemed.  Bummer.

- Wait, Jacob can be seen by all these guys?!  This must be related to the ashes somehow

- But I thought that Kate's name was crossed off.  Did Jacob change his mind?  Maybe Jacob can actually choose whoever he wants.  But it seems like there are rules with who can be the replacement, like when Jacob was "picked" instead of anti-Jacob

-----Break #4

- There's Locke!  "maybe all this is happening for a reason"  I've missed this real Locke!!

- Answers?  Are we really getting answers?

- Ha, the names are arbitrary

- Ok, so now Jack and Jacob go thru the ceremony?  This is assuming that Jack actually gets to be the "picked" one.  I knew he was getting himself psyched up for being "the one" but we'll see if it still works out that way.  Even though things are coming together now, it's still LOST and I don't trust it yet.

-----Break #5

- Hmm, looks like I'm wrong about the temple being built over the source of the light.  Oh well.  I like my idea better.  :)

- Ok then, Jack is the new replacement.  My principal will be happy.

- Ana-Lucia is a crooked cop?  That's too bad

- Ok, now I'm officially interested in the flash-sideways. : )

- Destroy the island, huh?  I think that's what Desmond was going to do already, I think that's the fail safe, so how on earth does that work to anti-Jacob's advantage?

And think about it.  Destroying the island would be a way to get it on the bottom of the ocean so that the "real" timeline syncs up with the sideways timeline.

  I guess I'm not disappointed or upset, which is a good thing.  I'm just ready for the last episode.  I'm more hopeful now than I was before this episode started.  They seem to have a very clear direction and I think they just might be able to wrap this up satisfactorily.  Of course, it's still just as likely for that NOT to happen.  Let's hope it ends well.  See you Sunday!


Amy said...

Duh Ana-Lucia is a crooked cop... she killed the guy that shot her before coming to the island, remember?
I'm really disappointed in this episode. I don't like that Jack is now the appointed caretaker of the island... I think that's stupid. I think Hurle Sawyer should've stepped up. What has he got to go back to in the real world? Absolutely nothing!! Lame... frustrated. Let's hope they can somehow pull this whole thing together well.

Anonymous said...

One way I would play this out would be to have Jack be the new Jacob, and then when Jack goes to see the light (at that point Jacob is gone) James follows him and somehow becomes Smoke Monster 2.0. Only James does't really want to leave the island either, so he and Smoke Monster 1 have it out. They were looking for a way to get rid of the smoke monster. I think the only way is to fight smoke with smoke. Not sure I like the idea of trying to sink an island... that seems pretty complicated.