Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Episode 614 - The Candidate

Its amazing how just one week w/o LOST and I'm totally off from the groove.  I don't really remember exactly where we left off.  Let's see...we have Sawyer leading the boat back to Widmore, but Jack jumps off and when the boat arrives, Widmore appears to double-cross Sawyer (no big surprise there).  Oh, and Sayid is supposed to have killed Desmond, but we don't know for sure if he has or not.  And in the flash sideways, our key people have been getting flashes of the "real" timeline, I think moving everything to converge between the 2 timelines.

Ok, enough of hearing the recap, on to the new episode!

- Ha!  I'm fine w/ starting w/ Locke.  Here's hoping for interesting stuff from his flash after getting hit by Desmond's car

- And I'm thinking Jack may have restored Locke's ability to walk (nope, not yet)

- I don't totally distrust Widmore, but I don't totally trust him yet either

-----Break #1

- Bernard!

- Bernard told Jack that Anthony Cooper (Locke's dad) was in the SAME accident.  And I remember earlier that Helen referred to Locke's dad coming to the wedding.  I wonder how Locke DID lose the feeling in his legs; could it be different?

- That's not really a reason to trust him.  In fact, saying you could have killed them but haven't is more of a reason to DIStrust anti-Jacob; he's got an alternate agenda

- Oh that's not good.  No power means no protection from the smoke monster

- Don't they know that shooting it isn't going to help, it's just going to make it angry?

- That's just not right.  Jack's not supposed to be "with him"  I can only hope that Jack is just taking advantage of the opportunity to free his friends

-----Break #2

- Ok, so the accident was something that also hurt Cooper...still don't know what it was, thought

- Hmm, why does anti-Jacob need/want a watch?  Does it relate to time travel stuff at all?  Or maybe there's a compass to get the barrings to get off the island correctly

- Nope, Sawyer's not wrong about anti-Jacob; and I'm not convinced this is exactly they way anti-Jacob describes the situation w/ the plane

- Ok, good, Sawyer doesn't trust him.

- I wonder what the water has to do with Sawyer's plan to take care of anti-Jacob

-----Break #3

- Ha!  He's had his flash!  It's about time!

- Christian wanted Claire to have it because the song that it's playing is from her childhood!  We saw that in the "real timeline" when Claire was sitting down in the bottom of the pit in the temple (at least I think that's right)

- Kate!  And crazy how sure Jack is that he's not going to get hurt at all.  So bold and not hiding from the gunfire

- I wonder if anti-Jacob can't change into the smoke when he's wet

- Nope, there's c4 in the pack

- See, that was too easy

-----Break #4

- Wow, Sayid!  Totally didn't anticipate that he'd give himself up!  But I did figure that Desmond wasn't actually dead.  Way to go Sayid!  That's really him redeeming himself.

- And I figured that Jack's idea of the bomb thinking was right.  It totally fits with "the rules" and everything we've been learning this season

- Ok, I know this isn't what you'd think at the time, but actually the more water there is, the easier it would be to move the bookcase or whatever that's pinning Sun

- Hmmm, if Sun dies, Jack will blame himself for not staying and letter her die, won't he?

- : (

-----Break #5

- I had a friend say that no one on LOST actually dies unless we see them die.  And I think this counts for Sun & Jin, since we saw them under water.  :(

- But I guess that tells us that it doesn't matter if the "Kwon" on Jacob's cave wall was Sun or Jin, they're both out of the running now

- There's the theme again: "What happened, happened"

- Oh gosh, I was doing ok until Hurley lost it!

- He is SOOOOO bad!  He must be able to know about the candidates; that's how he knew that they weren't all dead.  He must be able to feel something about how they are keeping him on the island.

And I must say, I'm really interested in the next week's episode based on the preview.  While it does have clips of previous episodes (all the way back to the pilot), it seems to have new scenes with Jacob!  I'm hoping for more history/backstory on anti-Jacob, and maybe a few more answers to the "rules"

1 comment:

Amy said...

Well, they better start providing answers because there are only 3 weeks left of the WHOLE SERIES!!

Could the 'Kwon' be the little Kwon? I know that's really reaching, but its just a passing thought.

I lost it way before Hurley. I lost it when they discovered Sun was pinned in the sub... it was a tough night.