Sunday, May 23, 2010

Episode 617 - The End

Ok, here we go!  I don't know if I should be excited or sad.  But ready or not, here we go!

- This is a beautiful way to start the last episode; getting us acquainted with where all our characters, in both realities, are and what they're up to

- Isn't that the church where Eloise Hawking was?

- Is Desmond going to try to get everyone back to the island?  Is that why he's trying to get Christian Shepherd's body?

- Except the Island's underwater, so how's that going to work? Maybe I'm still missing something.  Hmmm...

- Ok, but if you have to protect it, why on earth would you go there and show the smoke monster where the light is?!

- Star Wars reference from Hurley!  And then another Star Wars reference "I have a bad feeling about this"

----- Break #1

- I love Hurley.  Everything he does brings a smile to my face.  :)

- See, the island is going to be on the bottom of the ocean, which will sync the two realities.

-  Rose & Bernard!  I totally forgot about them.  That's cool that they're back in the story again

- But I really don't think that sinking the island will accomplish what anti-Jacob thinks it will

- And, by the way, anti-Jacob is EVIL (in case you didn't know that)

-----Break #2

- Desmond's had a flash, hasn't he?  He's seen the future for what anti-Jacob is going to make him do, just like he saw flashes w/ Charlie

- Juliet!  I wonder if she's going to run into Sawyer and get connected with him, or if it's just the Oceanic 6 plus Desmond who end up all in the same place (at least that's what I'm assuming is what's coming)

- They remember dying!  What must that be like?!

- That's super cool that they got their memories back and could speak English, but how sad for them that they remember that they die.  Maybe the cool part of that is that they were together.

-----Break #3

- Ooo, they are playing the destiny music

- Oh!  Richard is aging!  I guess now that Jacob is dead, Richard won't live forever.

- Lapidas was in the sub, huh?  Interesting that he was able to live when no one else was

- There's a cool idea we haven't heard before: why not just fly off the island?!

- Wow, that's awfully bold Jack!  I want to know the surprise.  :)

-----Break #4

- Interesting that Jack USED to be married to Juliet

- And yet, I'll be that's the whole thing, I'll be that all of LOST is actually a "Long Con" possibly of Jacob on anti-Jacob

- The rain is coming, and something bad always happens when it rains!

- Desmond is the connection between the two realities, just like he was the constant for Faraday

- Ok, but we're not even half-way through the episode yet, so how can we already be here, how can we already be at the light looking down?!

-----Break #5

- Is that Boone & Shannon?! Haha!

- Woah, they didn't waste any time, did they?

- That pull away shot going down the water fall WAS just like the shot of Locke & Jack looking down into the hatch at the end of season 1

-----Break #6

- Oh, this is the first time that Charlie has seen Claire in this sideways reality!

- Hmm, what's w/ the dead body?  And now what's Desmond doing, I wonder?  And what's w/ the light and everything?

- What the heck just happened?  Is the light gone?  Hmmm, this doesn't look good

- Wow, anti-Jacob is human again!  Maybe that killed the island?  Looks like anti-Jacob isn't the smoke monster anymore, which means he now can be killed!  And maybe, he isn't all bad anymore?

-----Break #7

- I wonder if Claire & Kate are going to get their memory flashes through this pregnancy/contractions thing

- Claire & Kate are having the baby just like it happened in the jungle in the REAL timeline --  THERE IT IS!  They are getting their flashes!

- Side note: that was the world's shortest labor.  Like 5 minutes.  That's crazy fast (and correct me if I'm wrong, but labor is usually MUCH longer than that)

- I guess Ben gets to stay on the Island.  Lucky him

- Hey, it's both islands!  Both the main island and the island w/ the plane

-----Break #8

- I think Jack would have the advantage in a fight like this because he's used to fighting as a human and anti-Jacob isn't


- Ok, so anti-Jacob is dead, but now what?

- WHEN is Jack going to flash?  Did Jack start to see it but choose not to keep looking?

-----Break #9

-LAME!  I just lost all my thoughts for this last section!  I didn't get it to post right!

- Ok, let me try to re-create...

- Basically I'm glad that Kate appears to have picked Jack over Sawyer.  And my evidence for this is that she told Jack "I love you" which she's never told anyone that I can remember (though Jack told her before)

- Also, I'm thinking that we aren't really going to get any more answers than we have right now, just conclusions.  I think this episode is just going to wrap up this whole story, not give answers.

-----Break #10

- Juliet.  That makes sense that Juliet would give Sawyer his flash.  And will she get her flash here too?

- Beautiful.  That's the best way to describe what LOST is doing right now.  The way they brought Sawyer & Juliet back to their memories was perfect.

-----Break #11

- Jack must have to see Kate to really get his flash.  Ha!  There she is, I must be right

- Jack IS avoiding the flashes.  Why does he want to avoid it so much?

- How come SHE understands?  What is it that they are understanding based on their flashes?

- This's gotta be a totally disappointing and awkward conversation to be listening to for Ben since he probably wants to have this honor himself, to protect the island

- I'm not sure if I can believe that that's ACTUALLY Jack passing on the protector-ship to Hurley.  He didn't say any words or anything.  Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, I'm just not sure.

- Wow, that was a really lame pep-talk by Claire, yet she bought it!

- OH MY GOSH!  I didn't even see it!  It's the cork!  The piece that Desmond moved and Jack just moved back is the cork!  Maybe what's "below" is supposed to be hell, evil.

-----Break #12

- So true, forgiveness DOES matter, and it matters alot

- Spoken well, Ben, spoken well.  Hurley DOES take care of people.

- And Hurley asking Ben to help him is exactly what Ben needs.  :)

- Oh look, Jack's NOT dead.  Doesn't look like he's doing so good, but he's not dead.

- Uh, totally confused w/ Christian being alive!  Huh?  What does Jack mean "I died too?"  When?  We haven't seen him die yet

- The flash sideways is "heaven" (in whatever version these writers conceive of it)

- I don't know how I feel about the whole "heaven" thing, but I'm ok w/ it just being the flash sideways, not reality, and I'm not super bothered by it, but I don't like things that deal w/ the after life when they're not accurate.

  But overall, I LOVED the episode.  It was a beautiful tribute to the show.  It didn't answer many questions, but it did bring closure.  I feel good about it being over.  I don't feel like there are hugely hanging questions or things that I don't have the answer to, which is really nice.  I'm still going to have to process. but overall I feel like it was a fulfilling ending to an AMAZING show.

  Thanks for reading and putting up with my rantings, ravings, and hypothesis.  It's been a fun run.  : )

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Episode 616 - What They Died For

This blog post is being brought to you on my new netbook.  :)

Ok, I have to be honest, I'm afraid that, at the end of this episode, I'm not going to be a very happy person.  Only good thing is we only have to wait until Sunday for the wrap-up.

- Alright, we're back in the flash-sideways

- Ooo, Desmond is still at work.  I wonder what he's going to do to get Jack and Claire to see the "real" timeline

- Ha, Jack is sewing up Kate, which parallels the pilot episode where Kate sewed up Jack from the plane crash

- And there's the focus for the rest of the series: Our people trying to kill anti-Jacob, anti-Jacob trying to kill our people

----- Break #1

- In a well, huh?  I wonder if this well is at all tied to the wells that we saw last week...

- There was Ben's connection to "reality"

- Oh!  I'm excited to see the connection to the secret room.  That's where Ben went to summon the smoke monster

- I wonder why Ben thinks that the smoke monster summoned him

----- Break #2

- I still think that Jack is currently set up to be Jacob's replacement, but it's interesting to think it might be Widmore

- Desmond is busy in this episode!  I wonder how he thinks he's going to get to Sawyer from in prison. -- Oh, nevermind, he's after Sayid and Kate!

- Why is Jacob showing up to Hurley as young Jacob?

- Wait, what?  Why would Jacob want his ashes to actually burn up so that he wouldn't be seen again?  Could it maybe be anti-Jacob taking the form of Jacob?  No, probably not because Kate didn't see him.

----- Break #3

- So much for Richard.  Not convinced he's actually dead yet, but possibly

- Right, once he leaves the island there won't be any island for Ben to be in charge of

- And clearly Ben's still angry/mad at anti-Jacob

- Rousseau!!  Yea, it's great to see her again!

- Whatever his word is worth.  Don't trust him Widmore!

- Yup, Ben's still angry.  And oh, it's clearly over Alex's death

- Ok, so much for Ben being redeemed.  Bummer.

- Wait, Jacob can be seen by all these guys?!  This must be related to the ashes somehow

- But I thought that Kate's name was crossed off.  Did Jacob change his mind?  Maybe Jacob can actually choose whoever he wants.  But it seems like there are rules with who can be the replacement, like when Jacob was "picked" instead of anti-Jacob

-----Break #4

- There's Locke!  "maybe all this is happening for a reason"  I've missed this real Locke!!

- Answers?  Are we really getting answers?

- Ha, the names are arbitrary

- Ok, so now Jack and Jacob go thru the ceremony?  This is assuming that Jack actually gets to be the "picked" one.  I knew he was getting himself psyched up for being "the one" but we'll see if it still works out that way.  Even though things are coming together now, it's still LOST and I don't trust it yet.

-----Break #5

- Hmm, looks like I'm wrong about the temple being built over the source of the light.  Oh well.  I like my idea better.  :)

- Ok then, Jack is the new replacement.  My principal will be happy.

- Ana-Lucia is a crooked cop?  That's too bad

- Ok, now I'm officially interested in the flash-sideways. : )

- Destroy the island, huh?  I think that's what Desmond was going to do already, I think that's the fail safe, so how on earth does that work to anti-Jacob's advantage?

And think about it.  Destroying the island would be a way to get it on the bottom of the ocean so that the "real" timeline syncs up with the sideways timeline.

  I guess I'm not disappointed or upset, which is a good thing.  I'm just ready for the last episode.  I'm more hopeful now than I was before this episode started.  They seem to have a very clear direction and I think they just might be able to wrap this up satisfactorily.  Of course, it's still just as likely for that NOT to happen.  Let's hope it ends well.  See you Sunday!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Episode 615 - Across the Sea

- Who is this Lady? She's pregnant w/ someone we probably know...there must be

- The one lady is speaking spanish it seems, but the lady from the island seems to be speaking something more like latin?  Maybe I'm crazy...

- Is this lady who's on the island the anti-Jacob?  And maybe the spanish lady is giving birth to Jacob?

- Ummm, maybe this is nit-picking, but if she's already given birth, why is she still bulging...oh, it's twins!!  The anti-Jacob!

- Ha, it's light at dark, black and white from the beginning!

- She only picked one name, so maybe the anti-Jacob doesn't have a name at all.

- Umm, latin lady is uber cruel!

----Break #1

- Maybe this whole episode is going to be about Jacob and anti-Jacob!  That would be awesome!

- What do you bet this is the "inside joke" with the balance that anti-Jacob threw away in that cave w/ Sawyer earlier

- Jacob's "mom" is weaving just like Jacob does when we first met him!

- How long ago is this?!

- Who is this lady? --- WOAH!  What's that golden water thing?!

- So this is "the point" of the island?  This "light"?  And anti-Jacob is going to want to put out the light?

- Ok, so here's my current hypothesis: Jacob isn't going to want to be the one to protect the light, but the anti-Jacob is, but for some reason he won't be able to, which will be the crux of the conflict and why anti-Jacob hates Jacob so much, and probably why he's going to want to do the opposite of what Jacob has to do: protect the light

----- Break #2

- But anti-Jacob doesn't know what "dead" means, so the statement "Because I'm dead" doesn't mean anything to him

- Interesting twist, anti-Jacob is right!  He actually knows the truth and Jacob doesn't (at least  not yet)

- Ha, way to call "mom" on having a favorite Jacob!

----- Break #3

- So did the find the wheel below the ground w/ that well?  Or was the wheel built? (the wheel that Ben used to move the island & leave it)

- Yup, the wheel's leaning up on the wall behind him!

- So the light is the source of the electromagnatism?

- Is she going to try to kill him?  Yup.  Called it.

----- Break #4

- She's a manipulative liar!  She's evil (even if she's doing it for 'good' reasons)

- Oh great, now I want to know why he can't go down there and what's worse than dying for them?

- This ritual that they are going thru to pass on the protection responsibility, it's going to have to happen to Jacob's replacement as well.  But how, since he's dead?  Maybe thru Hurley?

- What does that mean?  "You and I are the same"?

- Ok, so who did this?  Jacob?  The people themselves?  "mom"?

- Hey wait!  The line that "mom" said early on, something like 'it always ends the same' referring to the people with death and greed etc, that's the same line that ANTI-JACOB says to Jacob, but JACOB holds out that it's not over yet.  So in some way he's NOT fulfilling what "mom" thinks

-----Break #5

- Jacob CREATED the smoke monster. Wow, he's a pretty big screw up!  What did it do to the light, I wonder?

- Adam & Eve.  the original anti-Jacob and "mom"

- OH!  And what do you bet the Temple was built on top of that spring where the light came from?  And that's the source of the spring where they took Ben & Sayid.  And THAT'S why there's a "darkness" that consumes someone when they are in the water, and that's probably how it brings people back to life.  Something along those lines.

SUCH a good episode!  No, it doesn't answer all the questions, but it definitely gives a context to things and answers alot!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Episode 614 - The Candidate

Its amazing how just one week w/o LOST and I'm totally off from the groove.  I don't really remember exactly where we left off.  Let's see...we have Sawyer leading the boat back to Widmore, but Jack jumps off and when the boat arrives, Widmore appears to double-cross Sawyer (no big surprise there).  Oh, and Sayid is supposed to have killed Desmond, but we don't know for sure if he has or not.  And in the flash sideways, our key people have been getting flashes of the "real" timeline, I think moving everything to converge between the 2 timelines.

Ok, enough of hearing the recap, on to the new episode!

- Ha!  I'm fine w/ starting w/ Locke.  Here's hoping for interesting stuff from his flash after getting hit by Desmond's car

- And I'm thinking Jack may have restored Locke's ability to walk (nope, not yet)

- I don't totally distrust Widmore, but I don't totally trust him yet either

-----Break #1

- Bernard!

- Bernard told Jack that Anthony Cooper (Locke's dad) was in the SAME accident.  And I remember earlier that Helen referred to Locke's dad coming to the wedding.  I wonder how Locke DID lose the feeling in his legs; could it be different?

- That's not really a reason to trust him.  In fact, saying you could have killed them but haven't is more of a reason to DIStrust anti-Jacob; he's got an alternate agenda

- Oh that's not good.  No power means no protection from the smoke monster

- Don't they know that shooting it isn't going to help, it's just going to make it angry?

- That's just not right.  Jack's not supposed to be "with him"  I can only hope that Jack is just taking advantage of the opportunity to free his friends

-----Break #2

- Ok, so the accident was something that also hurt Cooper...still don't know what it was, thought

- Hmm, why does anti-Jacob need/want a watch?  Does it relate to time travel stuff at all?  Or maybe there's a compass to get the barrings to get off the island correctly

- Nope, Sawyer's not wrong about anti-Jacob; and I'm not convinced this is exactly they way anti-Jacob describes the situation w/ the plane

- Ok, good, Sawyer doesn't trust him.

- I wonder what the water has to do with Sawyer's plan to take care of anti-Jacob

-----Break #3

- Ha!  He's had his flash!  It's about time!

- Christian wanted Claire to have it because the song that it's playing is from her childhood!  We saw that in the "real timeline" when Claire was sitting down in the bottom of the pit in the temple (at least I think that's right)

- Kate!  And crazy how sure Jack is that he's not going to get hurt at all.  So bold and not hiding from the gunfire

- I wonder if anti-Jacob can't change into the smoke when he's wet

- Nope, there's c4 in the pack

- See, that was too easy

-----Break #4

- Wow, Sayid!  Totally didn't anticipate that he'd give himself up!  But I did figure that Desmond wasn't actually dead.  Way to go Sayid!  That's really him redeeming himself.

- And I figured that Jack's idea of the bomb thinking was right.  It totally fits with "the rules" and everything we've been learning this season

- Ok, I know this isn't what you'd think at the time, but actually the more water there is, the easier it would be to move the bookcase or whatever that's pinning Sun

- Hmmm, if Sun dies, Jack will blame himself for not staying and letter her die, won't he?

- : (

-----Break #5

- I had a friend say that no one on LOST actually dies unless we see them die.  And I think this counts for Sun & Jin, since we saw them under water.  :(

- But I guess that tells us that it doesn't matter if the "Kwon" on Jacob's cave wall was Sun or Jin, they're both out of the running now

- There's the theme again: "What happened, happened"

- Oh gosh, I was doing ok until Hurley lost it!

- He is SOOOOO bad!  He must be able to know about the candidates; that's how he knew that they weren't all dead.  He must be able to feel something about how they are keeping him on the island.

And I must say, I'm really interested in the next week's episode based on the preview.  While it does have clips of previous episodes (all the way back to the pilot), it seems to have new scenes with Jacob!  I'm hoping for more history/backstory on anti-Jacob, and maybe a few more answers to the "rules"